Use Tasks for Notifications

This page documents the use of the Tasks functionality in Knack Builder to send email notifications and reminders.


The purpose of using tasks is to create notifications on an automated regular schedule to send reminders to officers on upcoming assignments and to send notifications in case changes are made in the assignments they have signed up for.


Only a Knack Builder / VZA System Administrator can create or edit Tasks.


The notification functionality available in tasks is used for the following reasons -

1. Reminders to the officers

Officers are sent two reminder emails,

a. The first one seven days prior to the assignment.

b. The second one a day before the assignment.

2. Changes to an Assignment

Any changes that are made in the assignment record, especially pertaining to location and date-time, have to be passed along to the child record. If an officer has signed up for this assignment, the officer should receive a notification about any such changes.

3. Cancelling an Assignment

When the scheduler cancels an assignment, the connection between the parent and child is broken and the assignment date time in the officer_assignment object is no longer populated. If an assignment record is deleted (the scheduler cancels an assignment) that should be reflected in the officer task list and calendar, the officer who has signed up for that officer_assignment should also receive a notification regarding the cancellation.

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