Process & Module Functionality

Current Process

  • Requester submits CSR using the 311 app

  • Supervisor views flex notes for the CSR

  • Supervisor dispatch technician/crew in the Activity drop down menu

    • Adds Note that they are sending a technician/crew to look at the service request for CSRs

    • Auto-creates work order tied to the CSR

  • Supervisor may add jobs to the work order from the CSR details page

  • Technician reviews job details assigned and does work in field

  • Technician fills out time, specifications, materials, DOSAs (Daily Operation Safety Assessments), and submits for review when job is done

  • When all jobs in the work order are completed, work order status is set to FINAL REVIEW

  • Supervisor reviews work orders in FINAL REVIEW status and closes work order if passes final review

  • Technician adds activity Repair/Replace

  • Technician adds activity to Close Issue (Resolved)

    • Adds note on work done for the CSR

Module Functionality

Service Requests Markings (Main/Parent page)

  • Table view of CSR issues

    • Link with SR number and associated work orders

Service Requests Details page

  • Map view of service request point location

  • Table view of activities done for the CSR

  • Table view of associated markings work orders

  • Table view of associated jobs to the service request

  • Table view of associated comments to the service request

Reports page

  • Line graph view of total 311 Requests by month

  • Bar graph view of current 311 Request Status

  • Table view of Oct-Nov total CSRs by status and whether they were closed late or on time or no due date

  • Pie chart view of Percent Closed on Time

  • Table view of Jan-Sept total CSRs by status and whether they were closed late or on time or no due date

Last updated