
Camera management

For VIP visits, we are asked to disable the CCTV stills feed on specified dates and times. This process has two steps - one to disable image publishing from all cameras before the VIP visit, and then to turn on image publishing from all cameras (with some exceptions) after the VIP visit.

1. Disable cameras.

  • In Knack, open Data Tracker and then the cameras object.

  • Click on Records.

  • Export the records out as a CSV to maintain a record of which specific cameras were turned off at that point in time.

  • Open CSV and cross check with Knack object to ensure entries match up.

  • Yes on DISABLE_IMAGE_PUBLISH means the camera is turned off

  • Click on Update, click Next, without filtering for records, and get to the Update Camera Recordspage.

  • Set DISABLE_IMAGE_PUBLISH to Yes by clicking on Check this Box to Disable Image Publication to Public Sites.

  • Set MODIFIED_BY to your name.

  • Set MODIFIED_DATE to Current Date and Time (default).

  • Click Next

  • Click Update Records. The update will take a couple of minutes.

  • The service that manages the image publication runs on atd-data01. The repository is called atd-cctv-images. Ask a dev to restart this service, so that the latest camera data is fetched from Knack. The dev will run sudo docker restart "cctv-images" on the server.

  • To verify that the desired cameras have been disabled, you can follow the URL pattern `<camera_id>.jpg` to see the most recent image available for any camera. Verify that the image's timestamp is more than 5 minutes old.

2. Enable Cameras

  • In Knack, open Data Tracker and then the cameras object.

  • Click on Records.

  • Navigate to the DISABLE_IMAGE_PUBLISH field. The default is set to No. Selecting Yes means the camera image publication process is disabled.

  • Click on Update and then Next.

  • Under Update cameras records ,

  • Set the field DISABLE_IMAGE_PUBLISH to (unchecked) Check This Box to Disable Image Publication to Public Sites

  • Set the field MODIFIED_BY to your name

  • Set the field MODIFIED_DATE to current time

  • Finish the process.

  • Open the CSV created earlier, take the list that are exceptions - Disable Image Publish is Yes and then paste the list in Excel.

  • If the list comes in as a row, convert the text to columns and then paste special - transpose the data to rows. Insert a row at the top, put in a header - camera_id

  • Save as a CSV.

  • Go back to the cameras object in Data Tracker. Click on Import, Upload CSV, select the CSV. For ‘Does the CSV have a row at the top with a name for each column? Let the default be Yes, the headers are on row 1

  • For Select a field to match records, select CAMERA_ID. Continue through the process, under Advanced Options, for Field Defaults, select DISABLE_IMAGE_PUBLISH and set the default for those records to Yes.

  • Click on Submit Import.

  • You'll need to wait at least one hour to verify that the camera images are being uploaded. To verify that the desired cameras have been enabled, you can the follow the URL pattern `<camera_id>.jpg`

3. Confirmation

  • Go to Data Publication Log. Search for cameras_socrata, check when that script ran and if it was a success. Then search for kits_cctv_push, check when that script last ran and the status.

  • Go to the Data and Performance Hub, and check on the cameras, by looking at the time stamp on the image.

Last updated