Configure New AMD Asset in Data Tracker

IN AMD Data Tracker - TEST

1. Created NEW asset (new object table)

2. Connect asset to objects

tmc_issues object

tmc_activities object

work_order_signals object

3. MMC - Form, Display, and Record Rules

MMC Details Display & Record Rule Updates

FORM: "Assign Asset - API | Systems Admin ONLY" form (hidden)

FORM: "Add mmc activity" form - START HERE

FORM: "add_work_orders" (embedded form)

4. Work Orders - Form, Display, and Record Rules

FORM: New Work Orders | Trouble Call

FORM: New Work Orders | Schedule Work

FORM: My Work Orders - "Edit Work Order" button

Work Orders (Signals) - "Edit Work Order" button

Update pages/forms/rules for AMD Communications only if it affects the AMD Communications group (ex. hub cabinet)

Work Orders (Communications) - "Edit Work Order" button

5. Details Pages

PAGE: My Work Orders Details

PAGE: Work Orders - Technician Details

Update pages/forms/rules for AMD Communications only if it affects the AMD Communications group (ex. hub cabinet)

PAGE: Work Orders (Communications) Details

Last updated