Refresh View Button

How to create a Refresh button that updates view data without needing to reload the page

Sometimes Knack will fail or be slow to update a record table, especially if you have a same-page multi-submit form, or a modal multi-submit form where a user can submit the form many times, creating new records until done. If data does not show up in table or update, a page refresh would be necessary. Additionally, when records are added or updated often, the refresh button reinforces the user that they are working with all available and updated records.

The JS

/*** Refresh View Button ***/
$(document).on("knack-view-render.view_321", function (event, page) {
  var button = $(
    "<span style='width: 2em'></span>" +
    "<button id='refresh-view_321' style='border-radius: .35em' class='kn-button is-primary'>" +
    "<i class='fa fa-refresh'></i>" +
    "<span style='width: .5em'></span>Refresh Table</button>"

  button.insertAfter(//places button next to keyword search option

  $("#refresh-view_321").click(function (e) {


None needed 😎

How to Implement

Adjust the View ID's with your own


and make sure that the Keyword Search option is enabled for your View

Last updated