Code Version Control

Github Repo - Knack Code

Copying the code from the TEST application

  • From the Knack builder, copy the contents of the JS or CSS file that you have modified.

  • ATD-Knack GitHub Repo where all Knack app code is maintained.

  • ATD-Knack>Code>App Name>.css or .js file

    1. Click the "code" folder

    2. Select the app name you're working on (ex. sandbox-app)

    3. Select the ".css" or ".js" folder

    4. Click on the pencil icon at the top right of the page to edit the code

Creating a Commit

  • Replace the contents of the file with the new code version that you copied from the test application

  • At the bottom of the page, write a descriptive title and summary of what changes you made, and why.

Creating a branch from a commit

  1. Choose the option "Create a new branch for this commit and start a pull request"

  2. Give the new branch a meaningful name,

    1. "name-issue ID-simple-title-of-change" - dianamartin-6100-css-code-change-to-document

  3. Click "Propose changes"

Creating a Pull Request

  • A pull request is automatically created on the next screen, confirm your pull request by clicking the green "Create pull request" button.

Assign a Reviewer

  • Lastly, you should assign a reviewer to check your code.

  • On the right side of the page find the cog icon next to "Reviewers", and select one of your colleagues to review the code (preferably from your own team first, then Dev team)

Post a slack on the "atd-knack" channel to see if one of your colleagues is available to review

Reviewing a Pull Request

You will receive an email from GitHub if you're assigned to review a pull request

Approving Pull Request

  • Navigate to the pull request

  • Under the "Commit" tab, click the commit name to open

  • Click the "+" sign beside the green highlighted code to "Add a single comment" or "Start a review"

  • Once you're done reviewing, click the "Finish your review" button on the top right

  • Enter in some comments, click "Approve" and click "Submit review"

Remember: Pull request authors can't "Approve" their own pull requests!

Pull Request Approved - Add Code to Production

  • Wait for the pull request to be approved

  • once it’s approved, copy/paste your code in the Knack TEST environment to PROD environment

  • make sure the code is working

Merging Branches

  • Click "Merge pull request" to merge your changes to the master branch

  • Will be prompted to "Confirm merge"

  • You will see this next message that your pull request was successfully merged and closed

Deleting Branches

  1. Option 1: Click the "Delete branch" in the message prompt

  2. Option 2: Navigate to main repo page "atd-knack"

  • Beside the "master" drop down, click "branches"

  • Find the branch you name and click the "Delete" icon

Last updated