Modal Close Styling

How to style the close button for modal windows

The default style of the modal close or delete notification button is not very visible. We improve its readability by overwriting some of the Knack CSS with our own.

The JS

None needed 😎


The delete applies to both buttons whereas the close-modal only applies to modal windows. The before and after are the two sticks that make the X. You will notice use !important for every element. Since Knack already defines these stylings, we need to be able to overwrite them with our own.

/************ Button Effects ************/
.delete { border: #adb5bd .2em !important; background-color: #adb5bd !important;}

.close-modal {border: #495057 !important; background-color: #495057 !important;}

.delete:before { background-color: white !important; width: 66% !important; 
    left: 44% !important; height: 3px !important; border-radius: 2px !important;}

.delete:after { background-color: white !important; width: 66% !important; 
    left: 44% !important; height: 3px !important; border-radius: 2px !important;}

How to Implement

If the theme of your application has a different color set, you may want to adjust the colors for the border, background color, or the X color. Otherwise, copy pasta and you are set 👍

Last updated