Adjustment Transaction, Unit Cost Adjustments & Re-Stock

Re-Stock Item

This allows a user to add a Re-stock Quantity

Re-stock Unit Cost and also calculates the New Unit Cost

Adjustment Transaction

Allows the user to select an Item, Quantity and Location with a field to enter your reason for the adjustment.

This is primarily use for quantity adjustments.

Work Arounds

Use when revising an incorrect unit cost

Incorrectly entered due to

  • Financial documentation error

  • User error

  • minimize future errors

Revising Incorrect Unit Costs

Scenario where we're trying to change a unit cost AND quantity to zero.

  • Add restock quantity record

    • Add real unit cost on "Re-Stock Unit Cost" field

  • Add restock quantity record

    • Add negative quantity to "Restock Quantity" field

  • Results will be that the quantity will be corrected and the revised unit price cost will be corrected.

Last updated