Data Tracker | Annual Signal and PHB Request Ranking

Old guide - 12/10/2019, moved over 10/29/2020.


Every year, AMD ranks all active ("Under Evaluation") requests for Traffic Signals and Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons.

In Data Tracker, requests are stored in the signal_requests object and evaluations are in a connected object. Since criteria are different for PHBs and signals, there are stored separately in signal_requests_phb_evals and signal_requests_traffic_eval.

Bulk Create the evaluation records

To expedite the process for AMD, we bulk create evaluation records. This can be done using the following steps:

  • Export two CSVs of all requests "Under evaluation", one for signals and one for PHBs

  • In Excel, delete all columns besides REQUEST_ID

  • Add two new columns, RANK_ROUND_MO and RANK_ROUND_YEAR

  • Set RANK_ROUND_MO values to DEC and RANK_ROUND_YEAR values to 2019 (current year)

Import the CSVs to the signal_requests_phb_evals and signal_requests_traffic_eval tables. Under Select a field to match records select Don't match, add all imported records.


Et voilà! Now you have nice evaluation records ready to go. These can be edited using the Edit link on the Details page.

Last updated