Warehouse Inventory

Workflow from AMD Work Order

AMD Data Tracker app

Item is requested


  • Creates work order

  • Adds Inventory Item

    • Choose Item

    • Add Quantity

    • Select Source

    • Add Comment

  • Record is created status Submitted to Warehouse

    • Can Cancel request

  • When you Cancel

    • Record status is Cancelled

    • Can Edit request

      • Choose Item

      • Add Quantity

      • Select Source

      • Add Comment

    • When a line item is Cancelled that item on the Warehouse Inventory module is also Cancelled

  • When you Edit the record

  • The new line item is sent, the Cancelled item is no longer there

Finance and Purchasing App > Warehouse Inventory module

  • Inventory Request record is created a status Ready to Issue

Issuing Item

Warehouse Staff

  • Receives request and reviews inventory request details

    • Items status is New

  • Can Edit or Issue or Cancel Inventory line item

    Edit button allows user to edit

    • Choose Item

    • Add Quantity

    • Add Comment

  • Issue button allows user to

    • Choose Issued From

    • Choose Issued To

    • Add Quantity

    • Add Comment

  • Clicks Issue button

  • Inventory Item status changes to Issued

  • Can ReturnInventory line item

    Return button allows user to

    • Enter Quantity Returned

    • Select Returned By

Reviewing Needed

  • Inventory Request status is Review Needed

  • Financial Review needs to be done

    • (User needs to have FDU Approver is "Yes" in the user roles)

  • Click on Financial Review in the Inventory Request details page

    • Updated Task Order

    • Added Fund

    • Added Department

    • Added Unit

Need AIMS entry

  • Inventory Request status is Need AIMS entry

  • Change inventory item, Add AIMS #

  • Then Inventory Request status changes to Completed

Status Field Mapping

AMD Data Tracker

Inventory Item Status (Child)

Warehouse Inventory

Item Status (Child)

Warehouse Inventory

Request Status (Parent)

Submitted to Warehouse


Ready to Issue



Ready to Issue (if there is an inventory item that is still in a "New" status



Cancelled (if all inventory items are cancelled)



Ready to Issue



Review Needed (if using back-chargeable Task Order #)



Needs AIMs entry (if Task Order # IS NOT back-chargeable)



Needs AIMs entry (if Task Order # IS NOT back-chargeable)

Inventory Request Status Definitions (Warehouse Inventory module)



Not Submitted

As a customer, added new inventory request but have yet to submit it (NOT CURRENTLY USING..)

Ready to Issue

Request has been submitted for warehouse staff to review

Review Needed

When warehouse staff has completed the request and inventory has been issued to a technician. Inventory Request as a "Task Order" and "FDU #" that needs review

Needs AIMS entry

When warehouse staff has completed the request and inventory has been issued to a technician, but the inventory item needs to have an AIMS # associated to it.


When warehouse staff has completed the request and inventory has been issued to a technician. Inventory Item has an AIMS # associated to it.


If request is no longer required or needed.

Inventory Request Inventory Item Status Definitions (Warehouse Inventory module)




When warehouse staff has completed the request and inventory has been issued to a technician.


When technician has brought back unused inventory item to the Warehouse


When Warehouse staff has requested that the inventory request item to be "Cancelled".


Request has been submitted for warehouse staff to review

Inventory Transaction Status Definitions (AMD Data Tracker)



Not Requested

As a technician, added new inventory request but have yet to submit it (NOT CURRENTLY USING..)

Submitted to Warehouse

When inventory request has been submitted for warehouse staff to review


When inventory has been issued to a technician.

Return Requested

When technician has requested a Return on unused inventory item


When technician has brought back unused inventory item to the Warehouse


When technician has requested that the inventory request item to be "Cancelled".

Last updated