Dropdown Menu Buttons

How to condense a Knack Menu into a categorized Dropdown Menu

The JS

/*** Dropdown Menu Buttons Navigation ***/

function dropdownMenuItem(recordId, route, iconName, linkName) {
  return (
    `<li class="kn-button">\
      <a href="#tia-requests/tia-case-details/${recordId}/${route}/${recordId}">\
        <span class="icon is-small"> \
          <i class="fa ${iconName}" /> \

$(document).on('knack-view-render.view_744', function(event, view, record) {
  var recordId = view.scene.scene_id;

  $(`<div class="details-dropdown-menu tabs">\
    <ul id="tia-menu-list">\
      <li class="tia-dropdown-menu kn-dropdown-menu kn-button">\
        <a href="#tia-requests/tia-case-details/${recordId}/tia-case-management/${recordId}" data-kn-slug="#case-management">\
          <span class="nav-dropdown-link">Case Management</span>\
          <span class="kn-dropdown-icon fa fa-caret-down" />\
        <ul class="kn-dropdown-menu-list tia-dropdown-menu-list" style="min-width: 152px; margin: 0;">\
          ${dropdownMenuItem(recordId, "tia-case-management", "fa-archive", "Scope & Submissions")}\
          ${dropdownMenuItem(recordId, "tia-mitigation-details", "fa-file-text-o", "Mitigations")}\
          ${dropdownMenuItem(recordId, "memo-builder", "fa-medium", "Memo Builder")}\
          ${dropdownMenuItem(recordId, "tia-case-log", "fa-briefcase", "Case Log")}\
      <li class="tia-dropdown-menu kn-dropdown-menu kn-button">\
        <a href="#tia-requests/tia-case-details/${recordId}/edit-tia-case-details/${recordId}" data-kn-slug="#update-case-details">\
          <span class="nav-dropdown-link">Update Case Details</span>\
          <span class="kn-dropdown-icon fa fa-caret-down" /> \
        <ul class="kn-dropdown-menu-list tia-dropdown-menu-list" style="min-width: 152px; margin: 0;">\
          ${dropdownMenuItem(recordId, "edit-tia-case-details", "fa-edit", "Edit Case Details & Notes")}\
          ${dropdownMenuItem(recordId, "assign-case-reviewers", "fa-users", "Assign Case Reviewers")}\
          ${dropdownMenuItem(recordId, "change-tia-case-status", "fa-retweet", "Approve or Change Case Status")}\
          ${dropdownMenuItem(recordId, "connected-cases", "fa-link", "Connect Cases")}\
      ${dropdownMenuItem(recordId, "edit-tia-fee-status-reviewer", "fa-dollar", "Fees")}\
      ${dropdownMenuItem(recordId, "add-tia-communication", "fa-plus-circle", "Communication")}\


We style the menu buttons to be similar to how the default Knack styling is. We also hide the original menu view if screen size is 800px or larger but hide our custom dropdown menu on smaller screens. This allows for easier navigation on mobile without the dropdowns, but also easier navigation on desktop with the dropdowns.

/*** Dropdown Menu Buttons Navigation ***/

/* hide custom menu if on mobile */
@media (max-width: 799px) {
  #tia-menu-list {
    display: none;

/* hide knack menu buttons if on desktop */
@media (min-width: 799px) {
  #view_163 {
    display: none;

/*list, list item, and button stylings*/
#tia-menu-list {
  border-bottom: 0 !important

#tia-menu-list li {
  margin-right: .5em;
  box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px 0px gray;

#tia-menu-list .kn-button a {
  color: #163f6e;
  font-size: 1.1em;
  border-bottom: 0;

.tia-dropdown-menu-list .kn-button {
  border-radius: 0;

.tia-dropdown-menu-list li {
  border: 0;
  margin-right: 0 !important;

.tia-dropdown-menu-list li:hover {
  background-color: rgb(235,235,235);

How to Implement

Create a Menu view as normal and update it accordingly with your navigation. Create a second Menu view without any buttons, this will house the custom dropdown menu.

Last updated