Sign Fabrication Work Orders

Problem: Signs and Markings needed a way to track sign fabrication work that hadn't been tracked. They wanted to track it in the same system where they track their existing Signs and Markings work orders.

Solution: Add an new module to the SMB Tracker for Sign Fabrication Sign Request work order management

Build Information:

Object tables created

  • work_orders_sign_fabrication (just Sign Fabrication Request information)

Existing tables used

  • work_orders_signs_markings_attachments (for work order images)

  • work_orders_signs_markings_comments (for work order comments)

  • work_orders_signs_markings_time_logs (bc wanted to track labor and add to sign fabrication invoice)

  • invoice_items (to generate line items for the invoice, similar to reimbursement process)


  • accounts (audit fields: Created Date/By, Modified Date/By)

Last updated