DETAILS | Preventative Maintenance (PM)

Asset Management

  1. Home>Signals>Signal Details> (Under Preventative Maintenance table)

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  • Completed Date Date selector

  • Completed By choice list

  • Submit button

Current Process

The signal technicians use the Fulcrum application on their tablets to perform the Preventative Maintenance checks. Fulcrum gets updated, we used to have an integration from Fulcrum to Knack, but we turned it off since duplicates kept being created. The technicians update the Preventative Maintenance table record on a Signals Details page.

Automated Processes explained

When a new PM record is created by a technician in the Data Tracker, it updates the modified date and the PM year of the signal. When the signals_agol script runs, it updates the PM YEAR from the . When the script runs, it pushes the updated signal data to in ArcGIS Online (AGOL).

Last updated