Style Guide

Table of Contents

  • Banner Image

  • Knack Naming Conventions (Pages/Views, Fields, and Objects)

  • Colors

  • Icons

  • Layout

  • Button Styles

  • Links

Use Gimp software to create or update a Knack application banner

You can find the original banner assets and a template for creating a new application banner in the corresponding G drive folder: G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\03_RESOURCES\Seals_Logos\ATD App Banner Assets

  • You can use the .xcf GIMP template file or an .xcf GIMP file for an existing application and edit the text layer of the banner image

  • HTML: #163f63 #163f63 - Background Color (make sure Knack Header color is the same)

  • RGB: #22, 63, 110 #163f63 - Background Color

  • Banner Size: 800 x 160px

  • Font: Standard or Roboto[Roboto Bold = 1st line, Roboto #1(not bolded) = 2nd line]

    Gimp may automatically bold the second line due to the text formatting of the first line so be sure to un-bold it

  • Font Color: White

  • Font Size: 45px for first line (bold), 36px for second line

    • If text length exceeds banner size, adjust font size smaller until it fits appropriately

  • Layout: City Logo left side, first line: Name of Application, second line: Austin Transportation Department

  • Save as .xcf GIMP file in the logo folder for the application on the G Drive

  • Export as .png file in the logo folder for the application on the G Drive

Overall Knack Naming Conventions

  • No Special Characters

  • No Double Spaces

  • Try not to exceed 63 characters for any name

  • Use singular names over plural names, for example: 'Comment Table' instead of 'Comments Table'

Page/View Naming Conventions

  • Use a unique and descriptive name that no other page will use since the page URL is sourced from its page name

  • Use Title Case

  • Use action verbs where appropriate

  • For example: Instead of an 'Add Attachment' page, use 'Add Attachment to TIA Review' instead

Field Naming Conventions

  • Do not begin a field with a number. For example: use 'Five Day Work Week' instead of '5 Day Work Week'

  • Do not use generic names such as 'ID', instead use descriptive names like 'productID'

  • Use Title Case for fields that will be exposed to end-users in the app

  • The use of # or % symbols in field names is acceptable if exposed to end-users

  • Use camelCase for fields that are only on the backend and not exposed to the user. For formulas and calculations for example use: 'countTasksCompleted' or 'sumOrangeDistrictTransactions'

  • Use the (default) lower_case_object_name for connection fields, unless they are directly exposed to the user, in which case, use Title Case.

  • Field names should not be renamed in a production application without following a change management process. This is critically important if the application has been integrated with external systems.

Object Naming Conventions

  • Use snake_case

  • Order objects alphabetically in Knack

  • Renaming objects should follow a change management process, however renaming objects will not break API integrations.

  • In the ATD Forms app, prepend objects with the acronym for the program or division that owns them and the word PROGRAM or DIVISION, e.g. HR_DIVISION_awards_and_recognition_nominations


Status Colors


HEX Code




Font Awesome Icons

















Signs & Markings Data Tracker Colors & Icons


HEX Code




Font Awesome Icons


Need To Be Issued

<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>



<i class="fa fa-truck"></i>


On Hold

<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>


Needs GIS

<i class="fa fa-map-marker"></i>


Final Review

<i class="fa fa-flag-checkered"></i>



<i class="fa fa-checked-circle"></i>



<i class="fa fa-times"></i>

Arterial Management Data Tracker Colors & Icons


HEX Code




Font Awesome Icons



<i class="fa fa-asterisk"></i>


In Progress

<i class="fa fa-wrench"></i>



<i class="fa fa-bullhorn"></i>



<i class="fa fa-flag-checkered"></i>



<i class="fa fa-checked-circle"></i>





Service Request Colors


HEX Code




Font Awesome Icons






In Progress




Repairs Completed






Close (Resolved)






Close (Duplicate)



Finance and Purchasing Colors & Icons


HEX Code




Font Awesome Icons


Not Submitted




Waiting for Approval












Budget Review

<i class="fa fa-money"></i>


Purchase Review

<i class="fa fa-clipboard"></i>


Processing| Purchasing

<i class="fa fa-cogs"></i>


Processing| Accounts Payable

<i class="fa fa-credit-card"></i>


Pending Invoice

<i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i>










Form Layout

  • Follow one column form layout (typically best responsive layout, optimized for tablet/phones)

  • Use default settings for layout

  • Add Attachments, Add Comments

    • (Setup: Display page in modal popup)

      • If modal popup, can remove the title of the form as it is redundant

Button Layout

  • Depending on business process we do two things

  • Add menu, add new page for form/button (cleaner look, not as efficient)

  • Add form directly onto page (not as clean of a look, but usually highly efficient for user especially if they have to enter lots of information)

  • More about BUTTON STYLES

Button Styles

Out of the box "buttons"

  • Add Menu>Link to a new page

  • Add Menu>Link to a existing page

  • Choose icon for button

HTML Buttons

CSS Code:

.block { display: block; width: 20%; border: none; background-color: #4CAE49; color: white; padding: 5px 5px; font-size: 20px; cursor: pointer; text-align: center; }

  • width changes the width of the HTML Button

  • background HTML color code

    • #80d07e #80d07e

    • #367DB7 #367DB7

  • padding is the top and bottom border of the HTML Button

    • first number: 5px (top)

    • second number: 5px (bottom)

  • font-size can change font to different size

Trigger function and Details

  • Used a trigger function from a Details page and replaced the Link Text with HTML

  • In Trigger configuration page, html goes here into this field: Link Text

Enter into Link Text field:

<h2><button class="block><i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i><strong> New Submission</strong></button></h2>

Looks like this in the live app

Option 1: Add Menu>Link to a URL

Option 2: Add Rich Text

    • Add text for link

    • Click link icon on toolbar

    • Click Insert link

      • Enter URL

      • Enter Text

      • Select Open link in new tab

Example 1: Form Title or Instructions

Option 1: Link, Link Text and Icon

<a href=""> Look up address <i class="fa fa-search"><i></a>

Option 2: Form field label text, link that is an icon

Number of Resident Decals <a href=""></i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i></a>

Option 3: Link and icon that opens in new tab

<a href="" target=_blank> Contract Agreement </i class="fa fa-external-link-square"></i></a>

Last updated