Process & Module Functionality

Current Process

  • Requester fills out work order information and location information

  • Work Order status is ON HOLD as plans need to be attached unless requester is:

    • 311 SR

    • Maintenance

  • Work Order status is NEED TO BE ISSUED after ON HOLD status is removed

    • Happens when REQUESTER adds attachment where they type of attachment is Plans as a PDF

  • Supervisor or technician reviews work order information and issues work order to technician

  • Technician reviews job details assigned and does work in field

  • Technician fills out locations, time, assets, materials, DOSAs (Daily Operation Safety Assessments), and submits for review when job is done

  • Work order status is set to FINAL REVIEW

  • Supervisor reviews work orders in FINAL REVIEW status and closes work order if passes final review

Module Functionality

New Work Order

  • Requester creates "New Work Order" - enters work order and location information

Signs Work Order page (Main/Parent page)

  • Work Order records on table view grouped by requester

    • Default filter view is work orders in NEED TO BE ISSUED status

  • Ability to click on details page from table view


  • Can see status/details through My Work Orders | Created tab

  • Advanced Search option or main page table view to look for specific work order


  • Can see status/details through main page table

    • Looks at work orders in NEED TO BE ISSUED status

  • Can issue work to specific technician in work order details page

    • Modal: Select Assigned To

    • Can put work orders on hold


  • Can see list of work orders issued to technician

  • Can issue work orders to themselves

Work Order Details page

  • Top level menu (Add DOSA, Add Attachment, Add Comment, Edit, Cancel, Hold, Issue, Close)

  • Table to show comments

    • Requesters, supervisors, and technicians can add comments

  • Table to show all attachments in work order

  • Table to view DOSAs

    • Technician can add DOSA by checking yes on setup traffic control, checked (PPE), and noting any hazards

  • Table and map view to show locations

    • Technicians add location points on the map and a reference photo using their tablet device

    • Technicians also add asset information from the drop down menu such as action, name message, and direction

  • Table to view time for the job

    • Technician add time such as technician(s), vehicle(s), hours worked, minutes worked, and date worked

  • Table to view materials for the job

    • Technician add materials and quantity

Locations Details page

  • Shows Spatial ID, address, and reference photo of location

  • Map view of location

  • Can Add Photo of location or change photo of location

  • Table view of assets at the location

  • Form view to enter asset information

    • Action - Whether the asset will be install, remove, repair, relocate, tree trim, or inspected

    • Asset Name - the name of the asset where action is occurring

      • Not filled out if Action is Inspected or Tree Trim

    • Asset Condition - condition of the asset

      • Not filled out if Action is Install or Tree Trim

    • Direction facing - the cardinal direction the asset is facing for the location

      • Not filled out if Action is Inspected or Tree Trim

Asset List page

  • Table view of assets with MUTCD codes, sub category, asset cost, and photo

Reports Signs page

  • Top level menu (Work History, Reimbursements)

Last updated