Process and Functionality

Current Process - Retirement Signs

  • COA staff (Requester) filled out old retirement form, emails to Kenny S. (Sign shop)

    • User may provide design and image references

    • Provides funding number on the form

  • Sign shop contact the requester, determine what the request is

  • Sign shop draft design, email to requester for approval

  • Requester approves design, emails/contacts sign shop for sign fabrication work to begin

  • Sign shop creates sign from specified material

  • Sign shop emails requester that sign has been fabricated and emails the pickup location/times

  • Requester picks up sign at Sign shop

  • Sign shop drafts an invoice from excel spreadsheet, adds materials, labor and other misc.

  • Sign shop emails Crystal invoice to bill customer

  • Crystal has to track down user if funding number information is inaccurate

    • May have to bill in next month

    • Manages invoice tracking via email

Current Process - Internal Sign Fabrication Requests

  • COA staff (Requester) emails to Kenny S. (Sign shop) that they want signs fabricated

    • User may provide design and image references

    • Provides funding number

  • Sign shop contact the requester, determine what the request is

  • Sign shop draft design, email to requester for approval

  • Requester approves design, emails/contacts sign shop for sign fabrication work to begin

  • Sign shop creates sign from specified material

  • Sign shop emails requester that sign has been fabricated and emails the pickup location/times

  • Requester picks up sign at Sign shop

  • Sign shop drafts an invoice from excel spreadsheet, adds materials, labor and other misc.

  • Sign shop emails Finance Staff (Crystal) invoice to bill customer

  • Finance staff has to track down user if funding number information is inaccurate

    • May have to bill in next month

    • Manages invoice tracking via email

Digital Process

  • Sign shop manage their work tasks in new Sign Fabrication Work Order page

  • (DIGITIZE) Sign Request form is can now be completed online from a desktop or mobile device. No sign in necessary.

  • Sign shop syncs with requester via email or phone,

    • (DIGITIZE) can document request on "Design Review" section

  • Sign shop draft design, email to requester for approval

  • Requester approves design, emails/contacts sign shop for sign fabrication work to begin

    Sign shop creates sign from specified material

  • Sign Fabrication is completed

  • (DIGITIZE) Sign shop fills out time log record

  • (DIGITIZE) Sign shop adds "Invoice Items" so that invoice can be auto-generated

  • (DIGITIZE) Sign shop clicks "Fabrication Complete", triggers email to requester that sign is ready for pick up

  • (DIGITIZE) Sign shop clicks "Prepare Invoice", generates Invoice Date

  • (DIGITIZE) Sign shop clicks "Invoice" reviews it, then clicks "Email Invoice" submits to Finance Staff for processing

  • (DIGITIZE) Finance staff reviews invoice details, clicks "Invoice Processed" - triggers status to "Closed"


Last updated