Signs | Work Orders

Problem: Signs and Markings needed a way to track signs work orders

Solution: Add an area to the Signs and Markings Operations App for Signs Work Orders

Build Information

Object tables used

  • dosa_tracking (table that tracks DOSAs)

  • inventory_items (table of inventory item materials used for signs)

  • work_orders_signs (table of signs work orders)

  • work_order_signs_locations (table of sign locations)

  • work_orders_signs_asset_spec (table of sign specifications)

  • work_orders_signs_asset_spec_actual (table of sign specifications to report)

  • work_orders_signs_markings_attachments (table of plans and/or photos for work order)

  • work_orders_signs_markings_comments (table of comments made for work order)

  • work_orders_signs_markings_time_log (table that tracks time worked)


  • csr_issues (for work orders signs object - table that tracks issues of CSRs)

  • csr_flex_notes (for work orders signs object - table of flex notes of CSRs)

  • reimburseable_tracking (for work orders signs object - table that tracks reimburseables)

  • street_names (for work orders markings object - Street, From/To Street in order to not have typos on location names.)

  • fleet_vehicles (table of fleet vehicle options for time log object)

  • accounts (audit fields: Created Date/By, Modified Date/By)

Last updated