Update Parking Citation Report by Fiscal Year (FY)

This page will document the steps required to update the Parking Citation Tracking done around the start of the new fiscal year.

On parking_citation_numbers object table, filter to the previous fiscal year for FY is XX .

Format spreadsheet:

  • Change "Created By" to email address to the requester

  • Change "FY" to the new fiscal year

  • Blank out all entries per month (ex. 01-OCT, 02-NOV)

  • Blank out INDIVIDUAL TOTAL and Total

Import records as new entries to the parking_citation_numbers object table

  • Does first row contain headers? | Yes

  • Do you want to update existing parking_citation_numbers records with this import? | No, insert each row as a new record

  • Fields:

    • CREATED_BY | Email

    • Violation Category

    • Violation Description

    • FY

    • Total

After the records have been imported, you need to do two things:

1) Set the https://atd.knack.com/parking-enterprise#parking-citation-tracking/ Parking Citations table to current fiscal year.

2) Notify the requester that the report has been updated and verify on whether the page on Inspections report require updating the CSR_ACTIVITY_DATETIME to the new fiscal year.

Last updated