Login Process for Officers

This page documents the steps the officers will need to take to log into the Vision Zero in Action application from their mobile devices.


To enable officers to login to the VZA application with Active Directory credentials. Using Active Directory credentials to log in to the application will allow them to sign up for assignments, get notifications, and be able to access the assignments they signed up for.


A user with an Officer role in the application and APD Active Directory credentials will be able to carry out this process.

Account creation process

Officers will attend an introductory training session and then register to create an account in the application at http://bit.ly/apd-vza.

The username should be firstname.lastname@austintexas.gov.

They will receive a link to the application after creating the account.

Officer documentation

Documentation for the officers on logging in and creating a bookmark for their home screen is in this Google Doc. This doc is published for users at http://bit.ly/apd-vza-login.

Last updated