Highlight Details View Label Body & Table Value

How to highlight a details view label body to bring attention to a field

This will give greater visibility to a field that is important to understand at a glance such as a status field and adjusting the highlight color based on the current status.

The JS

This function allows us to identify the details view label body and set a background color value

//Change Label Body Background Color
function changeFieldColor(field, color_map) {
  var child_field = $(field).find(".kn-detail-body");
  var value = child_field.text();
  if (color_map[value]) {
      "background-color": color_map[value].background_color,
      color: color_map[value].color

This function allows us to identify a table field and set a background color value

//Change Table Value Background Color
function changeTableFieldColor(field, color_map) {
  var fields = $(field);
  fields.each(function() {
    var value = this.innerText;
    if (color_map[value]) {
        "background-color": color_map[value].background_color,
        color: color_map[value].color

We set variables for each combination of background and text colors we want based on field values

//Color Map Status Highlight
var colorMapOne = {
  "Available": { background_color: "#80d07e", color: "#fff" },
  "Unavailable": { background_color: "#ff9b9c", color: "#fff" }

We create a handler that calls the function and sets a specified field to a specified variable

//Highlighted Field
$(document).on("knack-scene-render.any", function() {
  changeFieldColor(".field_236", colorMapOne);


None needed 😎

How to Implement

Adjust the hex colors for each color map variable

  "Available": { background_color: "#80d07e", color: "#fff" },
  "Unavailable": { background_color: "#ff9b9c", color: "#fff" }

Adjust the Field ID for each handler

 changeFieldColor(".field_236", colorMapOne);

Last updated