TIA | Traffic Impact Analysis

Builder Information



  • Submits a TIA Review request


    • Requester Information

      • Submitter Name

      • Phone

      • Email

    • Project Information

      • TIA Project locations (child records) - Minimum 1 location to be entered

      • Trips per day

    • Request Information

      • Project Name

      • Council District

      • Case Type

      • Zoning Case ID/Site Plan ID

      • TIA Needs

      • Comments/Instructions

      • Request for Meeting

      • Meeting Date

      • Describe Availability

    • TIA Attachments

      • Attachment Name

      • Attachment Type

      • Attachment

      • Attachment URL

    • Review application

      • Ability to review all information entered

    • Confirmation

      • Page that explains that your request was submitted and that it must be reviewed my TIA staff

    • EMAIL: Receive email notice of submission

TIA Reviewer

  • Request comes in as Needs Review status

  • Reviews information entered by requester

  • Mainly reviewing request attachments submitted

    • Form Determination form

    • TIA Draft Scope

  • Can add TIA Comment that is general or scope related

    • ability to email requester once Scope statuses are in:

      • In Review --> TIA Request status: In Review

      • Revision Required --> TIA Request status: Awaiting Response

      • Approved --> TIA Request status: Awaiting Response

  • Once the scope has been finalized and Scope status is in Approved scope status

  • Banner pops up to remind reviewer that Fees need to be paid


  • Reviewer goes into AMANDA system, prepares invoice and sends to requester

  • Requester goes into AMANDA ABC online portal to pay fees


  • Requester changes Fee Status and added Fee Paid Date

  • Requester can now click button to Request Submission

    • Generates email to requester

      • EMAIL: Requester receives email notice of Scope Approved and now can submit TIA submission

  • TIA Review Status changes to Pending Submittal

Back to Requester

  • Email to requester has link TIA Request details (Public)

  • Follows link in email to Request Status

  • This will show the TIA Review record they submitted

    • Need to click on + New Submission button

  • New submission record is created

  • Must fill out:

    • Attachment Name

    • Attachment Type

    • Attachment

    • Attachment URL

  • Submit all attachments

    • EMAIL: Reviewer receives an email notification that TIA submission attachments have been added

Back to TIA Reviewer

  • Reviewer reviews TIA submissions

  • Can add TIA Submission Comment that is general or submission related

  • Ability to email requester once Scope statuses are in:

    • In Progress --> TIA Request status: In Review

    • Revision Required --> TIA Submission status: In Review

      • Submit Comment memo to requester

      • EMAIL: Requester receives an email notification that TIA submission has a Comment memo

    • Completed --> TIA Submission status: In Review

      • Submit Scope Approval memo to requester

      • EMAIL: Requester receives an email notification that TIA submission has been Completed

  • Reviewer can create Project Mitigation records

    • Mitigation Type

    • Location

    • Location ID

    • Improvement

    • Recommendation Notes

  • Reviewer can edit Project Mitigation details to indicate Mitigation Fees Paid

  • Reviewer can edit TIA Request and change the status to Approved

  • Reviewer can edit TIA Request and change the status to Withdrawn/Cancelledat any time

Last updated