Banner Logos

Creating Knack application banner logos

  1. Navigate to the folder: G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\02_ENT_APPLICATIONS\KNACK\logos

  2. Open the file: banner_cropped_small_TEMPLATE.xcf

  3. Change the font to Arial (Roboto preferred, but if unavailable use Arial)

  4. Export As .png

  5. Save As in new folder in G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\02_ENT_APPLICATIONS\ - create a new folder "app_Application Name" (ex. app_My_Cool_Application)

Uploading banner log to application

  1. Open up builder of application

  2. Navigate to "App Settings"

  3. Click "Live App Design" on the left menu

  4. Click "Custom Logo" on the top tab menu

  5. Click the "Upload a new logo" button

  6. May want to check the "Custom Colors" tab as well

    1. We use this normally as the background color: #163F6E (header, Page Menu)

    2. Links: #07467c

    3. Text Color: #ffffff

Last updated