CODE: Custom Login Buttons

Code and procedure to add custom single sign-on and non-single sign-on buttons to an app

Adding the custom code to the Knack application

This code will replace the default Knack single sign-on button and login form shown below with the buttons shown above. In the above experience, the form shown below will only appear if a user clicks the button titled Non-COA Sign-In.

The JS

This code uses the custom Knack functionality from the custom Big Button code. Prior to adding this code, add the JS and CSS code from CODE: Knack Functionality > Big Buttons.

The purpose of this code is to find the Knack default single-sign on button and its Knack view ID in the DOM, replace the button with the buttons shown above, and then hide the default Knack login form unless the user clicks the Non-COA Sign-In button. This code also lives in the common folder in the atd-knack GitHub repository.

 * Enhance SSO button and hide/show default Knack login form with buttons
 * @parameter {string} viewId - Knack view id to append button link to
function customizeLoginButton(viewId) {
  // Hide Knack default SSO button, login form, login title, and any other children
  $("#" + viewId)

  var url = Knack.url_base + Knack.scene_hash + "auth/COACD";

  // Create a div for Login buttons
  var $coacdButton = $("<div/>", {
    id: "coacd-button-login",
  $coacdButton.appendTo("#" + viewId);

  // Append Big SSO Login button and non-SSO Login button
  bigButton("coacd-big-button", "coacd-button-login", url, "sign-in", "Sign-In")

    "<a class='small-button' href='javascript:void(0)'>" +
      "<div class='small-button-container'><span><i class='fa fa-lock'></i></span><span> Non-COA Sign-In</span></div></a>"

  // On non-SSO button click, hide SSO and non-SSO buttons and show Knack Login form
  var $nonCoacdButton = $(".small-button");
  $ () {
    $("#" + viewId)

// Call customizeLoginButton on any view render to customize any login page that renders in app
$(document).on("knack-view-render.any", function (event, page) {
  // Find SSO button and existing custom button
  var $ssoButton = $(".kn-sso-container");
  var $coacdLoginDiv = $("#coacd-button-login");

  // If SSO button exists on page and there isn't already a custom button
  if ($ssoButton.length && !$coacdLoginDiv.length) {
    var $ssoView = $ssoButton.closest("[id^=view_]");
    var viewId = $ssoView.get(0).id;


The CSS - Small Buttons

This styles the smaller Non-COA Sign-In button. Do not duplicate this code if already in your app

/************ Small Buttons ************/
.small-button-container {
  padding: 5px 10px;
  margin: 10px;
  border-radius: 4px;
  box-shadow: 0px 1px 2px 0px gray;
  font-size: 1em;
  max-width: 15em;
  background-color: #babbbc;
  color: white;

.small-button-container:hover {
  background-color: #4c4c4c;
  cursor: pointer;

.small-button-disabled {
  background-color: #f7f7f7;
  opacity: 0.6;

a.small-button {
  text-decoration: none;

Last updated