Incrementing Review Cycle Automatically

How to automate the review cycle number for each submission record

Incrementing Cycle Automatically

Required Fields in Parent Object (TIA_request)

  • Count - Number of Scope Submissions

  • Count - Number of Submissions

  • Equation - Increment Scope Cycle

  • Equation - Increment Submission Cycle

Required Fields in Child Object (TIA_scope_submission & TIA_submission)

  • Text Formula - ScopeCycle

  • Number - Scope Cycle

  • Text Formula - SubmissionCycle

  • Number - Submission Cycle

Incrementing the Count Field

{Number of Scope Submissions} + 1

Pulling Cycle # into Child Object Text Formula Field

{TIA_scope_submission TIA_request.Increment Scope Cycle}

Set Number Field to Text Formula if Blank

Be aware that duplicate cycle numbers can be created if a previous cycle is deleted, therefore reducing the count value.

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