Big Buttons are nested in an <a> tag now instead of a <div> tag so that the clickable area of buttons does not expand the width of the Knack page and stays within the button area. The variable newTab has been added if you would like a big button to open its url in a new tab. To do this you would pass the true argument to the individual button. Additionally, the variable disabledClass has been added if you would like to set a big button to be disabled. To do this you would pass the true argument to the individual button. This code also lives in the common folder in the atd-knack GitHub repository.
/*************** Big Buttons ****************/
//Create Big Button nested in a block
function bigButton(id, view_id, url, fa_icon, button_label, target_blank = false, is_disabled = false, callback = null) {
var disabledClass = is_disabled ? " big-button-disabled'" : "'";
var newTab = target_blank ? " target='_blank'" : "" ;
$( "<a id='" + id + "' class='big-button-container" + disabledClass + " href='" + url + "'"
+ newTab + "'><span><i class='fa fa-" + fa_icon + "'></i></span><span> " + button_label + "</span></a>" ).appendTo("#" + view_id);
if (callback) callback();
A handler for each big button
// create large TDS Link button on the Customer Portal Home page
$(document).on("knack-view-render.view_1432", function(event, page) {
bigButton("tds-link", "view_1432", "", "bank", "TDS Division Home");
To open a big button in a new tab, pass the true argument in the handler like this
// create large TDS Link button on the Customer Portal Home page
$(document).on("knack-view-render.view_1432", function(event, page) {
bigButton("tds-link", "view_1432", "", "bank", "TDS Division Home", true);
To disable a big button, pass the true argument in the handler after the newTab argument
// create large TDS Link button on the Customer Portal Home page
$(document).on("knack-view-render.view_1432", function(event, page) {
bigButton("tds-link", "view_1432", "", "bank", "TDS Division Home", false, true);
To do both, open in a new tab and disable the button, pass the true argument for both
// create large TDS Link button on the Customer Portal Home page
$(document).on("knack-view-render.view_1432", function(event, page) {
bigButton("tds-link", "view_1432", "", "bank", "TDS Division Home", true, true);
Big Buttons have shadow to show elevation and provide a 3D effect. They are also display: block so we can set width without clickable area extending the width of the page. We create a pointer hover and color effect when enabled and an opacity and cursor effect when disabled. These CSS classes only need to placed once on the CSS page and any buttons can use them. They can be called via JS or HTML.
Add these CSS classes if not already present. If we have a disable button it allows us to change the mouse pointer and set the Font Awesome icons throughout the app to the middle of the line vertically.
Open the Rich Text view to identify its View ID and update the view name to include it for easy reference
Make sure the CSS styling is in place. Update the CSS styling to meet your needs, sometimes buttons may need a larger width to accommodate your button text. Additionally, if you already have the disabled and fa CSS classes, be sure not to duplicate them.
When placing the JS, the function only needs to be placed once but you will need a new handler for each Rich Text view + Big Button that you have.
Things to change in JavaScript
Change the Button ID in the first set of parentheses to whatever is appropriate to name your button;
Change the View ID to match the corresponding Rich Text view where the big button will live;
Change the URL to the corresponding page that the button will redirect to;
Change the Font Awesome icon to match the theme of the button. Knack currently supports FA version 4 icons. You can also read more about FA icons here.
Change the Button Label of the button to the text that will be visible;
"TDS Division Home"
Add the true argument if you would like the button to open in a new tab;
Add the true argument after the newTab argument if you would like the button to be disabled