Residential Parking Permits

Builder Information


Network drive: G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\02_ENT_APPLICATIONS\app_RPP_Residential_Parking_Permit_Program\workflow

About the application

The Residential Parking Permit Program (RPP) application has two main URLS:

What RPP Staff have access to

  • They will have access to the following tabs:

    • Home

      • Applications

        • This page has the "Backlog Permit Applications" (this can be removed once the RPP Migration of customers/permit applications/permits has been completed.)

      • Permits

      • Transactions

      • Advanced Search

      • Am I Eligible?

    • Look Up

      • Customers

        • This page has the columns in a weird order, can be changed after RPP migration is completed. Ask Steve if he has a preference.

        • This page also has a "+ Add Customer" button - this is a quick way for internal staff to enter a new customer and RPP application (for those that submit through the mail or used for rare occurrences)

      • Addresses

      • RPP Zones

    • Reports - this page also includes the "Survey Results" from residents that have used the online application

    • Cashier - separate page for ease of use for Cashier once they get a cashier to help out

    • Help - guide for RPP Staff only

What customer/residents see

  • They will have access to the following:

    • Home - Will see an update message from Parking Enterprise

      • Am I Eligible? - modal pop-up to see if their residential address is eligible

      • Get Started - splash page of what you should know before applying, application process outlined to that expectations are set

      • Help - FAQs about the RPP Program

      • About the Program - link to RPP external public page:

Last updated