Desktop App - Speed Limit Change
This page has instructions on how to use the Desktop AGOL Map for the Speed Limit Change Project
Table of Contents
Desktop App Intro
The app can be accessed by clicking here: Speed Limit Change AGOL App
The Desktop App allows you to draw signs with new speed limits and their corresponding work orders.
In order for a sign to be included in a work order, it must be inside the work order polygon boundary.
It is recommended that signs are drawn on the map first, and work orders drawn around them in a grouping that makes practical sense to you and your team.
The app starts with the Edit tab open on the right side of the screen by default. To draw features on the map, you simply click on the desired template on the Edit tab, and click on the location on the map.
Drawing Signs
Choose the appropriate template for the type of sign you're drawing. Each template comes with pre-filled attributes that make for the type of sign:
Install Future Sign
Replace Active Sign
Remove Active Sign
Click on the map to place the point.
Editing Sign Attributes
To enter and edit sign attributes, click on the sign and select the desired field. If when you click on the point, you aren't able to edit, click on the 3 dots ...
on the bottom right corner of the pop-up.
List of fields and their values
Sign Status
Field Check*
Current Speed Limit
If known, choose from the drop-down list of speed limits from 25 MPH to 60 MPH
Future Speed Limit**
Choose from the drop-down list of speed limits from 25 MPH to 60 MPH
Sign Type
24x30 (default)
Custom Sign
Enter custom sign dimensions here
Note*: This field should be filled out through the Collector App, not the Desktop App Note**: This field is required to be filled out before you can Save the record
Save your work
Make sure to click the Save button before closing the attributes pop-up.
Drawing Work Orders
Choose the appropriate template for the type of sign you're drawing. Each template comes with pre-filled attributes that make for the Work Order:
Not Ready to Submit
Ready to Submit (not an option when first creating a Work Order)
Click once on the map to begin drawing the Work Order polygon. You'll see a red line follow your cursor from the first place you clicked on the map. Each subsequent click on the map adds a vertex to the polygon. Double-click to finish the polygon. Instructions for editing the Work Order Polygon are below, following instructions for entering in the Work Order attributes.
Editing Work Orders
Once the Work Order polygon is finished, you can enter attribute information:
Depending on how you choose to draw Work Orders, you'll want to write a meaningful name in this field. In the example above, the Work Order covers 12th to Webbervile on N Pleasant Valley Rd, so we named it accordingly. If you draw a Work Order to cover a neighborhood or range of blocks, you would name it accordingly: "Travis Heights" or "Wooten", or "Avenue H from 42nd to 39th, and 39th from Avenue H to Speedway."
Ready to Submit:
This field is filled by the template and the options are listed above in the Digitizing Work Orders section.
Work Order Status:
This field will be Null in the editing version of the Signs Work Order layer. After the Work Order has been sent to Knack, it will automatically be updated, then be filtered out of the editing version.
Needed (default)
Nearest Segment ID
Work Order URL:
This field will have a link to the Work Order Details page after it has been submitted to Knack. It will be blank in the edit version.
Editing the Work Order Polygon
To edit the polygon of the Work Order:
Click on the Work Order Polygon
Close the attributes pop-up using the X at the top right
Click on the edge of the polygon. You should now see the vertices of the polygon
Pull on the vertices to edit the shape of the Work Order. Grey dots represent existing vertices and white dots represent new vertices you can add to the polygon.
Right-click on a vertex you want to delete
This app includes built-in Work Order filters by status, while also allowing you to create custom filters. The Work Order filters by Status is on the Read-Only version of the Signs Work Order - Work Order Status layer where the Work Orders have already been submitted to Knack.
Each filter displays Work Orders by their matching status. By default all filters are turned off, which means that all Work Orders that have been submitted to Knack appear on the map. By clicking on a filter, only those work orders that match the value (Issued, On Hold, etc). You can select multiple filters at the same time. If you'd like to turn off all filters at once, click on the button 1 as shown in the screenshot above.
Turning on the Needs Filter shows only those Work Orders that are in the Needs GIS status.
To create custom filters:
Select the layer you'd like to filter
Click on "Add expression"
Select the field you'll be filtering by
Select the type of filter (e.g.: is, is not, contains)
Select the value to match from the drop-down menu
Last updated
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