Updating Steepness Chevrons

This page outlines the steps to add steepness chevrons for newly added Bike Route segments from the CTN.

This documentation assumes you are working out the project in the location below: ...\Active_Transportation\Bike_Maps\OnlineBikeMap_Slope

Set up CTN for processing

  • Query CTN to include only level of comfort segments segments created since last update.

Run sequence of models to create output located in Default.tbx

  • Run 1. Elevation and Length Generator

    • This model will run in approximately 3 minutes

  • Once model 1 is completed Run 2. Point on line layer Separator

    • This model will run in approximately 30 Seconds

  • Once model 2 is completed Run 3. Slope Calculation

    • This model will run in approximately 2 minutes

  • Once model 3 is completed Run 4. Line Angle Slope Direction

    • This model will run in approximately 2 minutes

Symbolizing output layer

Append feature to existing feature service

  • Use Append geoprocessing tool to add new features to existing feature service

Add XY values to newly appended features

  • Select all features from "BikeRoute_SteepnessPoints" that have a null X and/or Y value. If one is null they should both be null.

  • Use "Calculate Geometry" tool add XY values to new features. Parameters should match below:

  • Adding XY values is required to have google street map links function properly in the Comfort Level Verification web app.

Last updated