AMANDA Street Events Update
Open Project located in
Sign into AGOL as Special Events Publisher in Project
STAY IN CATALOG VIEW, DON’T OPEN MAP VIEW. If the map view is opened before running the tool below, you’ll have to add the layer again and re-symbolize. a. Data Source:
G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\DTS_GIS_Workgroup_Support\DTS_Office_Of_Special_Events\AMANDA_Street_Events\Street_Events_AMANDA.gdb b. Symbol Field: FOLDERCONDITION
Open the Street Events AMANDA Toolbox and run the Street Events Update Script Tool
After script runs successfully, go to the AMANDA Street Events to AGOL Map
Open the Symbology and click the Add all values button - this will add all new events and remove any events that don't match the date query run in the script.
Double check that there are no STB or Impact Zones when adding new records (this has never happened)
Share Web Layer, Overwrite Street_Events_AMANDA Feature Service under My Hosted Services, in the street closures folder
After Feature Service has been published, go back to the Catalog View, Save, then close the Project
Login to AGOL as Special_Events_Publisher
Open the Street Events Web Map - New
All Street Events Layer - Remove past events / add new events in date order
Monthly Event Layers
Update each month as events are added and removed
When a month has passed, drag to bottom of list and update filter to the next year
Sometimes you need to change the filter date as some events run through multiple months (ex: Trail of Lights starts in Nov, but ends in Dec)
Check the Time Slider each time as the dates/times sometimes change
Start/End time: leave as is at 00:00
Update the dates when a new month gets started
Use the last event as the end date for the time slider d. Save and close
Open the ACE Downtown Conflicts Map
Update the symbology for the AMANDA Street Events layer (top of TOC)
Save and close
Create a new Issue under the current Epic for AMANDA Street Closures for the update
Last updated
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