Getting Started

This page describes what resources are needed for the GIS User to begin doing Markings GIS Maintenance

GIS Database Account and ArcGIS Pro

People responsible for GIS QA will need to get access to ArcGIS Pro and must contact the ATD creation of database accounts to access GISMAINT and GISDM can be found through contacting the ATD GIS SPOC

Resources Needed

  • Access to Signs and Markings Operations Data Tracker

  • Access to ArcGIS Pro > Contact ATD GIS SPOC

  • City of Austin ArcGIS Online Account

  • Access to GISMAINT/DM database accounts > Contact ATD GIS SPOC

  • Access to the following feature layers:

  • Access to feature layer (GISMAINT)

    • Markings_short_line (crosswalks, stop bars, yield lines, school zone line)

    • Markings_specialty_line (delineators, concrete domes, curbs, wheel stops)

    • Markings_specialty_point (arrows, words, symbols, bike assets)

  • Access to related table (GISMAINT)

    • Markings_short_line_dates

    • Markings_specialty_line_dates

    • Markings_specialty_point_dates


  • Street View Add-In

    • File path lives in the G drive: G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\03_RESOURCES\Tools_Scripts\ArcGIS Pro Add-in\Debug.

    • Double click ProAddins to install. A new button called Google Street View will be added under the Map tab.

  • Nearmap Imagery from ArcGIS Online > Groups > Nearmap

  • Markings Attribute Schema to answer any questions about what a field is used for.

  • Access to G drive network folders > Contact CTM Service Now

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