CTN Data Dictionary

The Comprehensive Transportation Network (CTN) compiles all on- and off-street transportation data.

Identification Fields


  • SEGMENT_ID: Unique segment id from Street Segment feature, NULL if modified.

  • NETWORK_ID: Unique id based on segment id or object id if feature was modified.

  • FULLSTREET NAME: From Street Segment feature.

  • PREFIX_DIRECTION: From Street Segment feature.

  • PREFIX_TYPE: From Street Segment feature.

  • STREET_NAME: From Street Segment feature.

  • STREET_TYPE: From Street Segment feature.

  • SUFFIX_DIRECTION: From Street Segment feature.

  • SEGMENT_LIMITS: Use to field calculate FROM_STREET, TO_STREET.

  • FROM_STREET: Beginning intersecting street name, from E to W or N to S.

  • TO_STREET: Ending intersecting street name, from E to W, or N to S.

  • ORIENTATION: Orientation of segment, from E to W or N to S.

  • SORT_ORDER: Order of segments, from E to W or N to SB.

  • FROM_ADDRESS: Address range minimum from street segment feature, not zero.

  • TO_ADDRESS: Address range maximum from street segment feature.

  • PLACE_TEXT: Address range and full street name.

  • MODIFICATION: Type of modification made to feature.

  • LINE_TYPE: Location of the line in the network.

  • BUILT_STATUS: Current status of Urban Trails.

    NOTE: This field needs to be renamed URBAN_TRAIL_BUILT_STATUS, moved to the Urban Trails section, and the domains need to match those of the Urban Trails dataset.

  • FACILITY_TYPE: Type of facility by mode.

    NOTE: This field's domains may need updating. Purpose may need to be revisited. Transit value may be added to LINE_TYPE and Urban Trail facility type may be tracked through URBAN_TRAIL_NETWORK_ID IS NOT NULL query, etc.

Traveled Way

  • THROUGH_LANES: Number of total through lanes.

  • INSIDE_LANE_WIDTH: Width of inside lanes, if different from THROUGH_LANE_WIDTH.

  • OUTSIDE_LANE_WIDTH: Width of outside lanes, if different from THROUGH_LANE_WIDTH.

  • THROUGH_LANE_WIDTH: Through lane width.

    NOTE: Re-order to be placed between THROUGH_LANES and INSIDE_LANE_WIDTH fields.

  • MEDIAN: Type of median.

  • LEFT_TURN_LANES: Number of left turn lanes.

  • MEDIAN_WIDTH: Width of median

    NOTE: Re-order to be placevd between MEDIAN and LEFT_TURN_LANES fields.

  • BICYCLE_FACILITY: Type of bicycle facility.

    NOTE: Will include a 3rd column with either a screenshot or a link to examples of each facility type.

  • BICYCLE_FACILITY_WIDTH: Width of bicycle facility.

  • OUTSIDE_TURN_LANE_WIDTH: Width of outside turn lane, if present.

  • PARKING: Type of parking, if present.

  • PARKING_WIDTH: Width of parking, if present.

  • SHOULDER_WIDTH: Width of shoulder, if present.

  • PAVEMENT_WIDTH: Width from curb to curb, including median.

  • ONE_WAY: Direction of Travel.

  • MARKINGS: Denotes whether markings are present in segment.

Cross Sections

  • CROSS_SECTION_DETAIL: Denotes road elements including auto lanes, center turn lanes, bike lanes, medians, shoulders and any other area that may occur between face of curbs or edge of pavements. Any time a transition occurs either by pavement marker or physical barrier, a new item should be noted and separated with a “-“. The following designations should be used as a comprehensive library of “tags” for this attribute field:

    Examples detailed cross sections are shown below:

  • CROSS_SECTION_GENERAL: This is a generalized classification of a roadway that describes: number of lanes; if a segment is divided or undivided (center turn lanes will be an odd number if undivided); or if a facility is one-way. In addition, if a road is a 2-lane undivided or 3-lane undivided, special designation should be given for highways (-H), rural county roads (-N) and gravel road types (-G). Highways can be defined as TxDOT or County Facilities (FM, RM, CR, SH, etc. designations) or 50 mph and up. Any of these designations can include “-O” or "-OP" for on-street parking. Possible entries include, but are not limited to:


  • SIDEWALK: Presence of sidewalk.

  • SIDEWALK_WIDTH: Width of sidewalk.

  • PLANTING_ZONE: Width of planting/furniture zone.

  • BAR_DITCH_WIDTH: Width of bar ditch, if present.

  • BUILDING_SETBACK: Building setback from curb.

Right of Way

  • RIGHT_OF_WAY_MINIMUM: Calculated length between property lines.

  • RIGHT_OF_WAY_MAXIMUM: Calculated length between property lines.

  • RIGHT_OF_WAY_AVERAGE: Calculated length between property lines.

  • RIGHT_OF_WAY_MEDIAN: Calculated length between property lines.

  • RIGHT_OF_WAY_CONSTRAINED: Assessment of existing ROW and future ROW.


  • JURISDICTION: Type of jurisdiction a segment may fall in.

    NOTE: This field needs domains.

  • MAINTENANCE_AGENCY: Maintenance agency per segment.

    NOTE: This field needs domains.

  • COMMUNITY_CONTEXT: CodeNEXT transects.

    NOTE: This field will need some re-purposing, as CodeNEXT has been scrapped, and council has yet to settle on its successor.

  • STREET_LEVEL: Street level type.

    NOTE: Need actual definition as to what the levels represent.

  • FUNCTIONAL_CLASSIFICATION: Functional classification from PWD.

  • LAND_USE: Existing Adjacent land use(s).

  • SUBCHAPTER_E: Subchapter E Trigger.

    NOTE: Define Subchapter E. Believed to be used for Street Impact Fee (SIF) studies.

  • TRANSIT: Type of transit route(s).

    NOTE: Some of these values may have changed since CapMetro's CapReMap. Regional data should come from Capital Area Rural Transit System (CARTS).

  • TRANSIT_STOPS: Number of stops.

    NOTE: Ensure description fits purpose / actual data in CTN vs. other transit-related fields.

  • BIKE_ROUTE_NAME: Name of designated bike route.

  • BIKE_LEVEL_OF_COMFORT: Level of Comfort of bike facility. See Reference section for more on Level of Comfort Mapping.

  • SPEED_LIMIT: Speed limit.

  • AVERAGE_SPEED: Average speed from speed study.

  • PERCENTILE_SPEED: 85th percentile (MPH) from speed study.

  • SPEED_STUDY_DATE: Date of speed study.

  • TRAFFIC_VOLUME: Total vehicular 24-hour volume from traffic study.

  • TRAFFIC_VOLUME_SOURCE: Source of traffic volume study.

Street Network Plan Recommendations

  • IMPROVEMENT: Type of the improvements

  • REQUIRED_RIGHT_OF_WAY: Amount of Right of Way required for ultimate cross section.

  • REC_THROUGH_LANES: Recommended through lanes.

  • REC_INSIDE_LANE_WIDTH: Recommended wide of inside through lanes, if different.

  • REC_OUTSIDE_LANE_WIDTH: Recommended width of outside lanes, if different.

  • REC_THROUGH_LANE_WIDTH: Recommended width of through lanes.

    NOTE: Need to move this field up to be between REC_THROUGH_LANES and REC_INSIDE_LANE_WIDTH.

  • REC_MEDIAN: Type of median recommended in ultimate cross section.

  • REC_LEFT_TURN_LANES: Recommended number of left turn lanes.

  • REC_MEDIAN_WIDTH: Recommended median width.

    NOTE: Need to move this field up to be between REC_MEDIAN and REC_LEFT_TURN_LANES.

  • REC_BICYCLE_FACILITY: recommended bicycle facility in 2014 Bike Plan

    NOTE: Will include a 3rd column with either a screenshot or a link to examples of each facility type.

  • REC_BICYCLE_FACILITY_WIDTH: Recommended bicycle facility width.

  • REC_BICYCLE_AAANETWORK: All Ages and Abilities Network, as adopted by or proposed to Austin City Council.

  • REC_OUTSIDE_TURN_LANE_WIDTH: Recommended turn lane width, if present.

  • REC_PARKING: Recommended Parking Type.

  • REC_PARKING_WIDTH: Recommended parking width, if present.

  • REC_CURB_TO_CURB: Recommended width from curb to curb, including median.

  • REC_CROSS_SECTION_DETAIL: Recommended cross section, in detail.

  • REC_CROSS_SECTION_GENERAL: Recommended general cross section.

  • REC_SPEED: Recommended design speed/target speed.

  • REC_SIDEWALK_WIDTH: Recommended sidewalk width.

  • REC_PLANTING_ZONE_WIDTH: Recommended planting zone width.

  • REC_BUILDING_SETBACK: recommended building setback from curb.

  • REC_TRANSIT_PRIORITY: Recommended transit priority.

  • REC_SIDEWALK_PRIORITY: Recommended sidewalk priority.

    NOTE: Move this field up above REC_SIDEWALK_WIDTH.

  • REC_BIKE_PRIORITY: Recommended Bicycle Facility in the All Ages & Abilities Network.

  • REC_URBAN_TRAIL_PRIORITY: Tier recommended in the 2014 Urban Trails Master Plan


  • CREATED_BY: Automatically filled audit field

  • CREATED_DATE: Automatically filled audit field

  • MODIFIED_BY: Automatically filled audit field

  • MODIFIED_DATE: Automatically filled audit field


  • CAP_METRO_2025: Routes included in CapMetro's Connections 2025 plan.

  • C2025_RAPID: Connection 2025's Rapit Transit Routes.

  • C2025_FREQ: Connection 2025's Frequent Transit Routes.

  • C2025_EXPR: Connection 2025's Express Transit Routes.

  • C2025_LOCAL: Connection 2025's Local Transit Routes.

  • C2025_UT: Connection 2025's University of Texas' Transit Routes.

  • C2025_RAIL: Connection 2025's Rail Transit Routes.

Urban Trails

  • URBAN_TRAIL_NETWORK_ID: ID field imported from the Urban Trails Dataset.

  • URBAN_TRAILS_DATA_SOURCE: Source for Urban Trails.

    NOTE: Need to update domain to include all current values in urban.trail.network dataset on MAINT.


    NOTE: Need definition from Urban Trails Staff.

  • LOCATION: Relative location of Urban Trail.


NOTE: The following fields were left in the CTN as they were used in the planning process of the ASMP. They may soon be exported to a separate dataset, and removed from the CTN.




  • IN_ETJ

Last updated