Active Parking Permits

  1. Open the Active Parking Permits Project to process data

    1. Open Project, signing into Special_Events_Publisher AGOL account

  2. The PLANNINGCADASTRE.amanda_row_permits layer in the Working Map has the following definition queries set:

    1. PERMIT_TYPE = Parking Permit

    2. FOLDERSTATUS = Active

  3. Select by Location where:


    Within a distance

    Parking_Spaces (paystations)

    Search distance of 25 ft

    Select Apply (clicking OK misses some records, likely due to a bug)

  4. Export AMANDA ROW Permits to Project FGDB as parkingpermits_current to overwrite the last export

  5. Select by Location where:

    Parking_Spaces (paystations)

    Within a distance


    Search Distance of 25 ft

    Select Apply ( clicking OK misses some records, likely due to a bug)

  6. Export selected paystations to Project FGDB as parking_meter_spaces_permits to overwrite the last export

  7. Go to the Active Parking Permits to AGOL Map

    1. It should have parking_meter_spaces_permits and ParkingPermits_Current layers

  8. Publish “Active Parking Permits to AGOL” Map to AGOL, overwriting the ParkingSpaces_Permits_New feature layer

  9. No update to the Web Map is required

  10. Before closing the Project, go back to the Working Map, Save, then Exit

Last updated