Interim Projects Viewer Model


The ArcPro project containing the map and model used in this process is called MOPED_GIS_Data_Test located in G:\ATD\Mobility Project Tracking\Pro Testing

This model grabs the AGOL point editing layer from the Interim Projects Viewer and transforms the points into lines. It then transforms a a spreadsheet with project data into a file geodatabase table, and deletes extraneous fields.

After the model is run, the project lines and the have to be joined and appended to the AGOL line projects layer in the Interim Projects Viewer. Note: This map and model can only run in ArcPro.

Map Contents

This map includes layers from AGOL and local file geodatabase data, and an excel spreadsheet. The model needs all of this data to run correctly:

  • AGOL Layers:

    • Interim_Mobility_Projects_Facility_Editing_Points

      • These are the points that will be transformed to lines

    • ArcMapProjectDataExportTable_2020_10_13

      • This is the layer to which the final line projects (with joined table) will be appended.

  • Standalone Tables:

    • Projects_ArcMapStatic2_External$

      • This table is connected to the Projects Access Database. This table is used by the model to make a table that the final line projects feature class can be joined to.

  • MOPED_GIS_Data_Test.gdb: These layers are added to the map after running the Edit Points to Project LInes Model.

    • Interim_Mobility_Projects_pt_line_YYYY_DD_MM

      • This is the output line feature class from the Edit Points to Project Lines model.

    • Projects_for_Join_YYYY_MM_DD

      • This is the output table from the Edit Points to Project Lines model.


  1. Refresh excel file's connection to Access DB

    1. Open the excel spreadsheet found in G:\ATD\ATD\Mobility Project Tracking\Projects Database (for Webmap Script)

    2. Under the DATA tab, in the Connections group, click on Refresh All (Ctrl+Alt+F5)

  2. Open the project MOPED_GIS_Data_Test located in G:\ATD\Mobility Project Tracking\Pro Testing

  3. Clean up processing data to ensure the model runs smoothly

    1. In the Catalog Pane, expand the Databases folder and in buffer_dump.gdb delete the buffer polygon feature classes

  4. Remove previous output data from the model. The data will still be available in MOPED_GIS_Data_Test.tbx

Run Edit Points Projects Lines Model

  1. From the catalog pane, open the Edit Points Project Lines model found in the Toolboxes folder, under MOPED_GIS_DATA_Test.tbx

  2. Model Parameters

    1. Start Date: Choose the starting date for the data that will be processed by clicking on the clock icon

    2. End Date: Choose the starting date for the data that will be processed by clicking on the clock icon

    3. Buffer Distance: Ensure the value is set to 50 feet.

    4. Edit Points to Line Output Name (add date): This is the final line feature class that will be joined to the projects table. Make sure to add the date to its name.

    5. Source Excel Sheet: This field automatically selects the excel sheet that is connected to the projects database in Access.

    6. Processed Table for Join: This is the final projects table that will be joined to the line projects feature class.

    7. Run the model

    NOTE: After running the model, you will get a warning error. This is because the model was designed to delete the buffer used to create the line feature class, and so it is expected that the model would generate one empty output. ArcPro is just being nice in bringing it to your attention in case this was unintentional.

Join Field

In the Geoprocessing tab, search for the Join Field Tool. You can add it to your favorites for easy access by right-clicking it.

  1. Input Table: Choose the Interim_Mobility_Projects_pt_line_YYYY_DD_MM feature class from the drop-down menu

  2. Input Join Field: Choose Project_Facility_ID

  3. Join Table: Choose the Projects_for_Join_YYYY_MM_DD table from the drop-down menu

  4. Join Table Field: Choose Project_Facility_ID

  5. Leave remaining settings to their default value

  6. Run the Tool


In the Geoprocessing tab, search for the Append Tool. You can add it to your favorites for easy access by right-clicking it. This tool will append the joined line projects data to the ArcMapProjectDataExportTable_202_10_13 layer in AGOL.

  1. Input Datasets: Interim_Mobility_Projects_pt_line_YYYY_DD_MM

  2. Target Dataset: ArcMapProjectDataExportTable_202_10_13

  3. Schema Type: Use the Field Map to reconcile schema differences

  4. Add all fields except the Shape_length field highlighted in red at the bottom.

  5. Enabling Undo is optional, but perhaps a good choice for QA/QC

    1. Note: Enabling Undo will make the Append tool run much slower than normal (about 10-15 minutes vs 1-2 minutes), but it will allow you to unappend the data.

Last updated

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