Standard Operating Procedure
This page covers the Markings Work Order GIS QA standard operating procedure.
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This page covers the Markings Work Order GIS QA standard operating procedure.
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Access the Data Tracker website here: This link will take you to the main page for Markings Work Orders which defaults to the "Need To Be Issued" tab. All of the GIS work to be done is under the "GIS QA" tab on that same row which is highlighted with the red box in the following image.
The account credentials are through a SMB GIS QA account.
These Work Orders are in the GIS QA Status
If there are 6 or more Work Orders, it will give a count of the Work Orders under the Search by Keyword box and to the left of the word Export. In the case of 81 Work Orders, it would display "Showing 1-81 of 81". The default is for 100 records to be shown per page.
Final Review
Work orders in final review means that the work order is awaiting final review through SMD supervisors to close out the work order ticket. The completed date will not be reflected in performance measures until the work is in the closed status.
Work orders in closed status means that the work order is closed by SMD supervisors. The day the work order ticket is closed reflects the completed date of the work order which is reflected in performance measures.
Open the Markings GISQA queue in GIS QA > GIS QA | Markings
Scroll down to the “Specifications” table and “Materials” table to determine work done to pavement markings assets for the work order.
For this work order, the specifications and materials used for specialty points can be seen here:
As can be seen by the following image, the work done for this work order contains 2 straight arrows and 8 turn arrows.
For this work order, the specifications and materials used for short line can be seen here:
These specifications and materials are what dictate what gets updated and sometimes only one direction will have work done while the other three directions of an intersection have nothing done to them.
In this example, 4 crosswalks were installed/removed and 3 stop bars were installed. We can also look at the “Attachments” table if the requester has inserted plans into the work order to determine location. Since there are 2 crosswalks installed in the West, there were 2 intersections that this work order had taken place.
Example from GIS. Note that some work orders do not have updated imagery from Nearmap (which is updated quarterly). For work orders submitted by requesters, this means having to interpret traffic engineering plans to determine the assets installed, maintained, or removed.
For this work order, the materials list that there are 7 yellow delineators in this work order.
Work order instruction will specify if LONG LINE, RPM, SHORT LINE, or SPECIALTY MARKINGS work was done.
In this example, only long line work was done so the only thing to do is put in the list of segment IDs
In this example, long line and RPM work was done so fill out Street Segment IDs form and check LONG LINE (if it was done as well) and RAISED PAVEMENT MARKINGS in Work Groups. The Instructions states to “See plans for details” which included long line work and RPM work done. The Item Description also showed that the contractor put in RPMs and reflective paint.
In this example, the attached plans and the Item Description lists that specialty markings were installed by the contractor. This will require:
Creating specialty marking assets (unless it already exists)
Creating a new date record
Short line and certain RPMs (delineators/concrete domes) contractor work orders will follow a similar process as well.
In this example, they would refer to the plans attached at the bottom of the details page for the layout of the markings.
On the Knack page:
Select the work groups based on the type of work completed
Change GISQA to Yes
Add the street segments from where the work was completed.
On the GIS Short Line and Specialty Markings Point/Line dates tables
ATD_WORK_ORDER_ID: use the Work Order ID
DATE_SOURCE is Data Tracker
WORK_ORIGIN is Contractor
WORK_DATE is last date (at the top of the table) on the Daily Work Log table
In this example, there are no materials logged in the daily work log. If no materials were used, then no work was done. In these scenarios, change GIS QA to “Yes” and click “Submit”.
When trying to create new features in GIS, go to the “Edit” tab header and Select “Create” icon above the features section.
The Markings Types/Sub types are listed.
While there are no new features in the example work order above, make sure to set up Templates in your editing Project for the 3 main edited features to aid in drawing them quicker.
When placing new features, the following fields need to have data added to them:
Field Name
Only used for continental crosswalk bars and number of yield triangles (sharks teeth), Entered as a number.
Used for specifying creative crosswalks or ladder crosswalk
The size as determined to be 2’ x 3’ or 12” x 15” for yield triangles
Date that it was last work; pulled from markings_dates table work order
Sometimes the features are visible in the nearmap imagery and can be easily digitized. Other times, there is a long stretch of work done after the latest nearmap imagery and you can either guess at the location of the features or georeference the plans if there are enough features to make it worthwhile.
The five Yes or No fields are unique in that three of the fields (CBD, SIGNAL_INTERSECTION, and SCHOOL or CBD, SIGNAL_INTERSECTION, and BIKE) control what goes into the fourth field (OTHER_AREA). If any of CBD, SIGNAL_INTERSECTION, or SCHOOL/BIKE fields are set to Yes, then OTHER_AREA would be set to No. If all of CBD, SIGNAL_INTERSECTION or SCHOOL/BIKE fields are set to No, then OTHER_AREA would be set to Yes. This is just a description as to how the fields are calculated as Attribute Rules calculate all of these fields automatically. None of the fields are editable except for the SCHOOL field if it needs to be changed.
After a new feature is created, navigate to the related record for markings_dates table and fill out the following fields
ATD_WORK_ORDER_ID - The Work Order ID in the data tracker
TYPE_WORK Type of work. Install, maintain, remove for the marking assets
DATE_SOURCE - In-house or contractor. Default on in-house.
WORK_ORIGIN - Data Tracker or GIS. Default is Data Tracker. GIS for the work origin was created pre July 2018 before the Knack data tracker was created.
WORK_DATE - Date that work was worked on. Pulled from ATD_WORK_ORDER_ID
Modify an existing Date Record that is empty
In the above photo the Specialty Marking with the ID of 1757 was selected. When the attribute is selected in GIS using the Selection Tool, all date records are selected as well. In this photo there is only one date record for this specialty marking.
When left-clicking on the date record, it pulls up a blank record. This means that there is no historical information for this marking. If a work order said that this marking had been maintained, the GIS QA person would fill out the following fields:
ATD_WORK_ORDER_ID - As seen in Data Tracker
WORK_TYPE - The type of work. In this case, if it already existed in the field, the technician would set this to Maintained
DATE_SOURCE - In-house
WORK_ORIGIN - In-house if from Markings | Work Orders. Contractor if work done by Contractor
Adding a new Date Record
If there is no date record or if the date record for the asset is not empty, the GIS QA person has to create the Date record themself.
First, unselect the date record if it already exists so the record doesn’t get overwritten. The cyan square will turn to white square which means it is unselected.
Next, right-click on the Markings Dates - assets get dates from WOs and click “Add New to Relationship”
After the date record is created, select the date record.
To populate the WORK_DATE, use the Calculate Field for ‘WORK_DATE’ for
Markings_specialty_line dates
After WORK_DATE has been populated, the final step is to populate LAST_WORK_DATE for
Note that depending on the size of assets, this may take 2-8 hours to finish calculating. For specialty_point, the recommendation is to run the Calculate Field overnight, or filter by MODIFIED_DATE in specialty_point_dates of all date records done before the last time this calculation was done.
In the case of this work order, there is a crosswalk changing from a transverse to a continental crosswalk.. In this case, it is as simple as selecting the feature and in the attribute window clicking on the subtype and changing it to the appropriate type (being continental here).
The following are fields to check to make sure they are up to date:
Field Name
Domain dropdown (usually setting to Active)
Domain dropdown (make sure it is the correct color)
Cardinal direction feature is from closest intersection
Date that it was installed; pulled from work order
For markings short line and markings specialty line, in addition to the fields listed above, the following are fields that should be checked for completeness:
Field Name
Only used for Continental Crosswalks bars and Yield Triangles for short line feature layers. For Specialty line layer, used for specifying number of concrete domes, delineators, or wheel stops. Curb assets default to 1 asset. Entered as a number.
Used for specifying creative crosswalks or ladder crosswalks (short line).
Yes or No (Calculated by Attribute Rule)
For the SCHOOL field, the initial calculation for a "Yes" value is based on the feature being within 1/4 mile of a school. The SCHOOL field can be modified after calculating for circumstances other than intersecting with the 1/4 mile buffer. If the features SCHOOL field is calculated to "Yes", then the SCHOOL_ZONE_ID and SCHOOL_NAME fields need to be completed. Otherwise they should be left blank.
For marking dates, you can create a new related record by selecting the asset. Go to the “Attributes” pane and select the individual asset “Create New Relationship Row” and it will create a date record.
Before moving on, do not forget to save your edits. It has been found to save before finishing the work order because if the save messes up you are able to easily go back and redo the work. After all points and lines have been created or updated, the last step is to add the street segments that work was completed on to the work order.
This is easier if it is just short line or specialty markings (line/point), but it can be harder if long line or RPMs (delineators/concrete domes/wheel stops) were involved. In that case, you at times have to measure striping to see how far they may have gone doing delineator/concrete domes/wheel stop features and estimate the number of assets based on spacing versus the length of the line asset.
The place you add in Data Tracker is the Edit GIS button. When you click that it brings you to the following screen:
You will enter the street segments work that was completed under Street Segment IDs. With the way this form in knack works, you can only enter one value at a time. You can select the street segments and copy the values from ArcGIS to paste into the form. One thing to note is that if the segment has been entered into a previous work order it will show up when you paste it in. If it has not been added previously, you will need to select the grey + button and then paste the Segment ID into the text box that shows up. The following screenshot shows the examples street segments:
After each segment has been entered, the final step is to click the GIS Q/A Complete drop down, select Yes, and then press the Submit button.
Select the Edit GIS icon that is next to the work order to start GIS QA