Data Driven PHB Ranking

Created for Arterial Management - Austin Transportation Department

Criteria Point Breakdown πŸ’―

The Criteria Ranking Score is based on the Total Rank Score of 100 points, which is broken down into 3 Sections: Demand, Risk, and Safety. Each Section has a set number of Categories with specific point breakdowns, depending on the data being measured. The list below breaks down the Categories by Section, providing details on point structure.

Demand (35 pts)

12 Points Max. Combined πŸ›’ 🏫 β›ͺ 🏞️ 🏒 🏘️ πŸ₯«

  • TOTAL_12MAX (12 points)

    • Large Retail - LARGE_RETAIL = 3 points per large retail space

    • School - SCHOOL = 3 points per school

    • Church - CHURCH = 3 points per church

    • Park - PARK = 3 points per park

    • Large Office - LARGE_OFFICE = 3 points per large office space

    • Multi-Family Housing - MULTIFAMILY = 3 points for apartment complex or condos

    • Social Services - SOCIAL_SERVICE = 3 points per social service office

Public Transportation 🚌

  • PUBLIC_TRANS (5 points)

    • Multiple bus routes = 5 points

    • Single bus route = 3 points

    • Not along a bus route = 0 points

Household Income πŸ’°

  • HH_INCOME (10 points) - based on U.S. Census Block Group data

    • Median income is 40% - 100% below median income of the city = 10 points

    • Median income is 25% - 40% below median income of the city = 6 points

    • Median income is 0% - 25% below median income of the city = 3 points

    • Median income is greater than median income of the city = 0 points

Population Density 🏘️

  • POP_DENSITY ( 5 points) - based on U.S. Census Block Group data

    • Greater than 100% above median population density = 5 points

    • 75% - 100% above median population density = 4 points

    • 50% - 75% above median population density = 3 points

    • 25% - 50% above median population density = 2 points

    • 0% - 25% above median population density = 1 points

    • Less than median population density = 0 points

Customer Service Requests πŸ†˜

  • CSR (3 points)

    • CSR = 3 points

    • No CSR = 0 points

Risk (40 pts)

Number of Travel Lanes πŸ›£οΈ

  • TRAVEL_LANES (8 points)

    • Greater than or equal to 6 lanes = 8 points

    • 4 - 5 lanes = 5 points

    • 2 - 3 lanes = 2 points

    • 1 lane = 0 points

Speed πŸš—

  • SPEED (10 points)

    • Greater than or equal to 45 mph = 10 points

    • 40 mph = 7 points

    • 35 mph = 4 points

    • 30 mph = 2 points

    • Less than 30 mph = 0 points

Street Lighting πŸ’‘

  • STREET_LIGHT (5 points)

    • No = 5 points

    • Yes = 0 points

Distance to Signalized Xing 🚦

  • SIGNAL ( 12 points)

    • Greater than 1,200' = 12 points

    • Greater than 1,020' - 1,200' = 10 points

    • Greater than 840' - 1,020' = 8 points

    • Greater than 660' - 840' = 6 points

    • Greater than 480' - 660' = 4 points

    • Greater than 300' - 480' = 2 points

    • Less than or equal to 300' = 0 points

      • Any street segment within 300' of a signalized intersection is removed from consideration

2 Stage Crossing πŸ›£οΈ

  • MEDIAN (5 points)

    • One stage crossing = 5 points

    • Two stage crossing = 0 points

Safety (25 pts)

High Injury Network πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ πŸš΄β€β™‚οΈ

  • HIN_ALL (10 points)

  • Pedestrian High Injury Network - PHIN = 5 points

  • Bicycle High Injury Network - BHIN = 5 points

Pedestrian Crashes πŸ€•

  • PED_CRASH_ALL (15 points)

    • Pedestrian crash within 200' - PED_CRASH_200 = 10 points

    • Pedestrian crash between 200' - 400' - PED_CRASH_400 = 5 points

Last updated