Signal Intersection Aerials Map

This Web Application was designed for viewing the Signal Intersections using the Nearmap Imagery, which includes the ability to create PDF maps of Intersections based on specific buffer distances.

The Signal Intersection Aerials Map is only accessible to internal ArcGIS Online users within the Arterial Management Division of the Austin Transportation Department. If you do not currently have an ArcGIS Online account, click on the link on the left side of this page "Activating your ArcGIS Online account" for detailed steps. After you have successfully logged into ArcGIS Online, contact the ATD GIS SPOC to request to be added to the Arterial Management ArcGIS Online Group.

Zoom Slider βž•βž–

  • The Zoom Slider is located in the upper left corner of the map. It is set to zoom to specific extents for viewing and printing the Signal Intersections.

    • Zoom completely - 50' Signal Buffer (green) will draw around the Signals if turned on.

    • Zoom out once - 100' Signal Buffer (blue) will draw around the Signals if turned on.

    • Zoom out twice - 150' Signal Buffer (pink) will draw around the Signals if turned on.

    • Zoom out three times - 300' Signal Buffer (orange) will draw around the Signals if turned on.

Search Window πŸ”

  • Search By:

    • Address

    • Place

    • Intersection

Legend / Layer List πŸ—ΊοΈ

  • All Layers can be toggled on and off with the check box

  • The three dots to the right of each layer allow the user to:

    • Zoom to the Layer

    • Set a Transparency on the Layer

    • Enable / Disable the pop-up for the layer

    • Show / Hide Labels on layers that are labeled

  • Some of the Layers are set to only be displayed at specific zoom levels.

    • The Signal Buffers (50', 100', 150', 300') are only visible for the extent they are meant to be printed at.

    • Nearmap Imagery is only visible when zoomed in to the five most zoomed in extents, once you zoom out beyond those extents a standard basemap will become the default background.

Bookmarks πŸ“–

  • Some standard Bookmarks have already been added to the map:

    • Full Extent of the data

    • Each Signal Engineer Area

  • Custom Bookmarks can be added by each user. Added Bookmarks will only be visible to the user that added them.

Printing πŸ–¨οΈ

  • When you find the intersection you are interested in printing, use the Zoom Slider to zoom to the buffer distance you would like to print to PDF.

  • Click on the Signal of interest, then "Pan to" will center the map extent on the point so the entire buffer area will be included in the PDF when printing.

  • Toggle the Buffer Layer off if you do not want it to draw in the printed PDF.

  • Click the Print Icon to open the Print Window

  • Fill out the Map Title with the Signal ID #, Buffer Distance and Intersection Name for reference

  • Click Print and the PDF Map will be created

  • A Legend and Scale Bar are not currently included in the PDF export, and we can't change the template as CTM controls the ArcGIS Online Map Templates.

Last updated