Working in ArcGIS Pro

Help Document for getting started working in ArcGIS Pro

Opening Pro

When you open ArcGIS Pro, the Start Page will open with the following options:

  • Open Recent Projects - this will be a list of projects that you have recently worked in. Projects can be pinned to the list to make them more easily accessible. Just click to the right of a project and a 📌 will appear. Click it to pin a Project to this menu.

  • New Blank Templates - Map, Catalog, Global Scene (3D), Local Scene (3D)

    • Starting with Catalog allows you to setup database and folder connections from the start

    • If you choose a Blank Template, you will be prompted to Create a New Project

    • Since many items are created with a Project, creating a new folder for each project will help to keep all your files together

      • Project File

      • Project File Geodatabase

      • Project Toolbox

      • ImportLog and Index folders

      • Database Connections - if you create them under Databases

  • Start without a Template - opens a blank untitled Project

  • Open another Project - browse the network to find a Project that is not listed under Recent Projects

  • Login to ArcGIS Online - login to your Austin ArcGIS Online account when prompted

    • Check to Sign-in automatically, then it will log you in automatically each time after

Setting up Connections

The easiest way to do this is through the Catalog View.

  • If you chose Catalog when creating a new template, it's already open

  • If not, go to the View Tab, then Catalog View

  • You can also open the Catalog Pane, which can be docked anywhere in the map

Creating a new Database Connection to GISDM or Adding a Connection to a File Geodatabase


    • Click on Databases under the Contents Pane

      • You will see that a FGDB has already been created for your Project and is the default FGDB

      • On the Top Toolbar click New, New Database Connection

        • The Database Connection Window opens

          • Database Platform: Oracle

          • Instance: gisdm

          • Authentication Type: Database authentication

          • Username/Password: enter your credentials

            • Do not check to save User/Password

          • Click OK and a new GISDM connection will be created (the connection file is saved within your main Project folder)

  • File Geodatabase

    • Click on Databases on the Contents Pane

      • On the Top Toolbar click Add, Add Database

      • Navigate to a FGDB that you would like to add to this Project, click OK

        • If you would like this to be your Default database for the Project, right click it, then Make Default

Adding a Folder Connection

  • Click on Folders under the Contents Pane

    • You will see that a folder is already listed and is the default folder (this is the folder you created when the project was created)

    • On the Top Toolbar click Add, Add Folder Connection

    • Navigate to a folder you would like to add to this Project, click OK

      • You can add as many Folders as needed to a Project


  • You can add Folders, Database Connections, and Databases under Favorites. These will be available in every Project under Favorites

    • Click on Favorites under the Contents Pane

    • Follow the same instructions as above for adding a new Database Connection, Database, or Folder

Fixing Broken Connections

If you open a Project and have a red exclamations point next to any of your data in the Contents pane, that means that the data has been moved, the database could have been renamed, or possibly deleted.

  • To fix a connection, first click on the red exclamation point

  • The change data source window will open. Navigate to the location of the data, click on the layer, then OK. All layers in that location will automatically be fixed when the window closes.

Import a Basemap Map File

If you would like to start working in a Map that has preconfigured Basemap layers, there is a Map File available that can be imported into your Project. All the data sources connect to ArcGIS Online, which alleviates connecting to GISDM. Follow the steps below to import the "Basemap Layers" Map File:

  • Click the Insert Tab at the top, then Import Map

  • Navigate to G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\03_RESOURCES\Templates\Pro_Templates\Map_Files

  • Click the "Basemap Layers" Map File, then OK

  • The Map will be imported to your Project

The "Basemap Layers" Map File include the following layers:

  • Street Segment

    • Streets Data layers: various symbology based on zoom level

    • Streets Labels layers: various label types based on zoom level

    • Streets Symbolized: one layer/set of labels

  • Lakes

  • Creek Lines

    • Creeks Data layers: various symbology based on zoom level

    • Creeks Labels layers: various label types based on zoom level

  • City of Austin Parks

  • Jurisdictions

    • Jurisdiction, Austin - Data - All Scales

    • Jurisdiction, Other - Data - All Scales

    • Jurisdiction Labels: various label types based on zoom level

Add Data to Map

Now that the Project is setup to connect to data and folders, you can starting working in a Map.

  • If you already imported the "Basemap Layers" Map File into your Project or have a new Map open, you can start adding data to that Map

  • If you are starting with a new blank Project, you will need to add a Map to start working

    • On the top toolbar, click Insert, New Map

      • A new Map will open with the Street Name Basemap already added to the Map

        • To change the Basemap:

          • Click the Map Tab, then Basemap

          • Click on a Basemap to add it to the Map

  • To Add Layers to the Map, follow either way below:

    • Click on the Catalog View or Pane, then Database, Folders, Portal, Favorites, etc.

      • browse to data

      • to add data to your Map, right click, then Add to Map

    • Click on the Map Tab at the top, then Add Data

      • a new window will open

      • browse to data using Databases, Folders, Portal, Favorites, etc.

      • click on data, then OK to add to the Map

  • To Add Data from ArcGIS Online, click on Portal in the Catalog View or Pane, there are many choices for searching for data

    • My Content: content that you own in ArcGIS Online

    • My Favorites: content that you have marked as a Favorite in ArcGIS Online

    • My Groups: content that is available under the Groups you belong to

    • My Organization: content that is available to the City of Austin Organization

      • most content will be found under this section

    • ArcGIS Online: content that is available publicly from any organization in ArcGIS Online

    • Living Atlas: content that is available through Esri's Living Atlas

    • Use the Search Window to type in what you are looking for

  • To Add data from a Web Map in ArcGIS Online, follow the steps below:

    • In the Web Map Layer List, click on the 3 dots to the right of the layer, then Show item details

    • The Overview Page will open, scroll to the bottom and click on copy under the URL Section

    • In the Project, go to Add Data under the Map Tab, click the down arrow, then Data from Path

    • Add Data from Path will open, paste the URL you copied in AGOL to the box, then Add

  • To automatically view related data, follow the steps below:

    • In the Layer Properties, click on Selection on the side pane

    • Under Related data, check the box "Automatically select related data"

Add Nearmap Imagery to Map

Nearmap is available through your City of Austin ArcGIS Online account, therefore you must be logged into AGOL in your Project. Since all users are added to the Nearmap Group in AGOL, you can search for the Nearmap Imagery under My Groups.

  • To add Nearmap Imagery, click on Portal in the Catalog View or Pane, then My Groups

  • In the Search Window type nearmap, then enter

    • Nearmap US Vertical Imagery will be a result

    • Right click the feature, then add to your Map

  • By default, the newly added Nearmap imagery is Selectable and Pop-ups are enabled. Both of these options are more of a nuisance with imagery data so it's easier to disable both.

  • Remove from being Selectable

    • Click the Selection button at the top of the Map Contents Pane

    • Un-check box next to Nearmap

  • Disable Pop-Ups

    • Click the Drawing Order button at the top of the Map Contents Pane

    • Right click Nearmap, then Disable Pop-ups

Import a Layout File

If you need to create a Map Layout to export to PDF, there are four ATD Layout Templates available that can be imported into the Project.

  • 8.5 x 11 - Landscape

  • 8.5 x 11 - Portrait

  • 11 x 17 - Landscape

  • 11 x 17 - Portrait

Follow the steps below to import one of the Layouts listed above:

  • Click the Insert Tab at the top (there are also some standard Layouts available from Esri)

  • Click Import Layout, then Import layout file... at the bottom

  • Navigate to G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\03_RESOURCES\Templates\ProTemplates\Layout_Files

  • Choose the Layout that you want to import, then OK

  • The Layout will be imported to your Project

Configure Imported Layout

The imported Layout will need to be configured based on the Map in your Project

  • Map Frame

    • To add the Map to the Layout, click on the Insert Tab at the top, then Map Frame

    • Your Map will be an option, click the Extent you want to add to the Layout

    • Your cursor is now a cross, click and hold the mouse on the layout in the upper left corner on the Guides and drag the cursor to the lower right corner on the Guides, then release the mouse. The Map Frame will snap to the Guides (see image below).

    • In the Contents Window, click and drag the Map Frame to the bottom of the list below all other Layout items

    • If you need to zoom +/- or pan the map extent, the Map Frame will need to be Activated

      • Click on the Layout Tab at the top, then Activate or right-click on the Map Frame in the Contents Pane then Activate

      • When finished, click the Red X at the top right of the Map or click the Layout Tab at the top, then Close Activation

  • Legend

    • To add a Legend to the Layout, click on the Insert Tab at the top, then Legend

    • Your cursor is now a cross, click and hold the mouse to create a Legend in the lower left below the map

    • The Legend will be created based on the Layers in the Map

    • A Legend Element will be created in the Contents Pane the Layout

    • You can configure the entire Legend or each layer separately by double clicking, the Properties Window will open

  • Scale Bar

    • To add a Scale Bar to the Layout, click on the Insert Tab at the top, then Scale Bar

    • Choose a Scale Bar to add (Alternating Scale Bar 1 is simple, but useful)

    • Your cursor is now a cross, click and hold the mouse to create a Scale Bar in the lower right below the map next to the ATD Logo

    • The Scale Bar will be created, but will need configuring

      • change map units to feet if zoomed in close or leave as miles

      • change label position to below centered

      • change Divisions and Subdivisions both to 2 to simplify the Scale Bar

      • click on Text Symbol at the top, then Appearance, make the font size smaller

      • to make the Scale Bar longer/shorter, drag the box around it so it displays whole numbers

  • North Arrow

    • To add a North Arrow to the Layout, click on the Insert Tab at the top, then North Arrow

    • Choose a North Arrow to add (ArcGIS North 1 is simple, but useful)

    • Your cursor is now a cross, click and hold the mouse to create a North Arrow in the lower right near or above the Scale Bar

    • to change the size, drag the box around the North Arrow

  • Map Title / Division

    • Update the Title and Division Name Text Elements

  • Export to PDF

    • Click the Share Tab at the top, then Layout

    • The Export Layout Properties will open

      • File Type: PDF

      • Name: browse to location to save the PDF and name it

      • Change any other settings that need to be modified (defaults are normally fine)

      • Export

Import Map from ArcMap

Maps can be imported from ArcMap Mxd Documents

  • To ensure you import the Map (Data View), make sure the Mxd is saved and closed when the Data View is open

  • Click the Insert Tab at the top, then Import Map

  • Navigate to the Mxd you want to import, then click OK

  • The Data View from the Mxd will be added to a new Map in your Project and will be named based on the Data Frame Name

    • If there is more then one Data Frame in the Mxd, the Data Frame that is activated will be imported

Import Layout from ArcMap

Layouts can be imported from ArcMap Mxd Documents

  • To ensure you import the Layout (Layout View), make sure the Mxd is saved and closed when the Layout View is open

  • Click the Insert Tab at the top, then Import Layout

  • Click Import layout file... at the bottom

  • Navigate to the Mxd you want to import, then click OK

  • The Layout View from the Mxd will be added to a new Layout in your Project and will be named based on the name of the Mxd

    • If there are multiple Data Frames in the Mxd, they will all be imported to the new Layout

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