Updating Online Bike Route Vector Tiles

The page outlines the steps to update the bike route level of comfort vector tiles used in the online version of the bike map.

  • Access existing ArcPro Project

    • This documentation assumes you are working out of the "Updating Online Bike Map Routes" map which a component of the ArcPro project at the path below:

    • ...\Active_Transportation\Bike_Maps\OnlineBikeMap_WorkingMap

  • Verify data is configured properly

    • The map should contain only one layer with the following properties

      • Layer: ATD_ADMIN.CTN


      • Symbology: Should be pre-established to match existing symbology. If not, import symbology from "OnlineBIkeMap_Official.lyrx" in the project folder.

    • Create Vector Tile Package

      • Use "Create Vector Tile Package" tool with parameters matching below to create a local vector tile package that will be published to AGOL.

    • Upload vector tile package to AGOL

      • Use "Share Package" tool with parameters matching below to push local vector tile package up to AGOL.

        • Both the Vector Tile Pack and a Vector Tile will be created in AGOL

  • Replace existing data with updated vector tiles

    • Within ArcPro use the "Replace Web Layer" geoprocessing tool with parameters matching below:


    • The output of this tool will appear as below in AGOL:


    • Three things happen when this tool in ran:

      • The new vector tile layer will replace the existing data in the "OnlineBikeMap_LevelOfComfort" tile layer.

      • The tile layer for the new vector tile data will be deleted since it has now replaced the "OnlineBikeMap_LevelOfComfort" tile layer. The tile package will remain and can be deleted at this point.

      • The existing data that was held in the "OnlineBikeMap_LevelOfComfort" tile layer will be archived in a tile layer called "OnlineBikeMap_LevelOfComfort_archive_%date of processing%"

  • Update Austin Bike Map web app and delete archive output that is 2 versions old

    • Update information widget to include date new vector tiles were published

Last updated