Map Closures Project

This document provides instructions for best practices for creating new Map Closures ArcGIS Project Files and associated GIS data for Special Events.

Project Directory Structure πŸ“‚

To keep the Map Closures Project directory in order we want to make sure that every Event Project file, reference data, and output PDF maps are all created in the same fashion.

  • Map_Closures_Project directory

    • Map_Closures_Project project file (aprx)

      • Includes Map and Landscape/Portrait Layout map templates

    • Map_Closures_Project FGDB

      • Create separate Road Closure and other miscellaneous layers for each Event in this FGDB

    • Event project files (aprx)

      • Save all Event Project files to the main directory

    • Event Folders

      • Create new folders for each Event under the Events directory

      • Create Annual folders under each Event folder to keep that year's reference information and exported PDFs

Project Layout 🌎

There are four Tabs already added and configured in the Map_Closures_Project Project File. See below for descriptions of each.

  • Catalog Tab

    • Databases

      • Map_Closures_Project FGDB - save all event data here

      • GISDM Connection for access to production data

  • Map Closures Map

    • Work in the Map to create your Road Closures and other miscellaneous GIS data

  • Map Closures Landscape Layout

    • 8.5 x 11 Landscape Map Template

    • Data frame is connected to the Map Closures Map so any changes you make in the Map Closures Map will be reflected in this Layout

  • Map Closures Portrait Layout

    • 8.5 x 11 Portrait Layout

    • Data frame is connected to the Map Closures Map so any changes you make in the Map Closures Map will be reflected in this Layout

Creating New Event Project πŸŽ†

Create a new Project File (aprx) for each Event. The same Event Project file should be used in the future for the same Event to prevent duplication.

  • Open the Map_Closures_Project file (aprx)

  • Click Project at the top left, Save As, double click on Folders, double click on Map_Closures_Project, then name and save new Event Project file in this folder

Creating Road Closure Data πŸ›£οΈ

Each Event will have it's own Road Closure GIS data. This will keep the data more easily manageable and create a streamlined process for updating the data each year. The Road Closure segments will be copied directly from the Street Segments layer.

  • Turn on the "Streets (edit)" layer in the Table of Contents

    • this is the only layer that is selectable in the map

  • Select all the street segments that you will need for your Event

  • Right click on the layer in the Table of Contents, then Data, then Export Features

    • The Export Features Tool will open, it will already be set for the Map_Closures_Project FGDB as it should be set as the default FGDB for the Project

    • Type in the Output Name (ex: Event_Name_Road_Closures), then OK.

    • the new layer will be created and added to your Map Closures Map

      • it will automatically be selectable and editable

  • To create your Closure Type Field, right click on your new layer, then Design, then Fields

    • the Fields tab will open, scroll to the bottom and click to add a new field

      • Field Name: Closure_Type

      • Alias: Closure Type

      • Data Type: Text

    • Click Save at the top to add the new field, then close the Fields Tab

  • Select the street segments and code the new field based on the Closure Type that each will have for the Event

  • After all your Road Closure street segments are coded, update the layer symbology using unique values based on the Closure Type field

  • To add more street segments to your new Road Closures layer

    • Click on the Edit Tab at the top to access the Edit Tools

    • Use the Select Tool to select street segments to be added from the "Streets (edit)" layer

    • Right click in the map, click copy

    • Click the down arrow below Paste on the left side of the toolbar at the top, then Paste Special

    • Make sure your Events Road Closure Layer is in the window, then OK

    • Code the Closure Type for the new street segments that you just added

  • Click Save on the Edit Toolbar to save all edits

Creating New Point Layer πŸ—„οΈ

Each Event will have it's own Points of Interest (POI) GIS data. This will keep the data more easily manageable and create a streamlined process for updating the data each year.

  • You may need to create a point layer for your Event if you need to add Bike Parking, Detour Signs, etc.

    • Go to the Catalog Tab, Databases, Map_Closures_Project FGDB

    • Right click in the layers area, New, Feature Class, then Create Feature Class Tool will open

      • Name: Event_Name_POI

      • Feature Class Type: Point

      • Click Next, then add a new field

        • Field Name: Type

        • Data Type: Text

      • Click Next, then choose Spatial Reference

        • Under Favorites, choose "NAD 1983 StatePlane Texas Central FIPS 4203 (US Feet)

      • Click Finish

    • The new point layer will be created in the Map_Closures_Project FGDB

      • right click on the layer, then Add to Map Closures

      • The new point layer will be added to the Map Closures Map

        • it will automatically be selectable and editable

Creating Point Data πŸ…ΏοΈ 🚧 πŸš• 🚲

Add new features to the Event POI point layer for each Event. This may include Bike Parking, Detour Signs, Taxis, Passenger Drop off / Pick up, etc.

  • Click the Edit Tab at the top to access the Edit Tools

  • Click on Create in the Toolbar

    • The Create Features Templates will open

  • Click on your Event POI point layer, then point

  • Add your new point in the map

  • Click on Attributes in the Toolbar

    • The Attribute Window will open

  • Fill out the Type of point you have added (ex: Bike Parking)

  • When you are finished adding points, click Save on the Edit Toolbar

  • Update the layer symbology using unique values based on the Type field

Creating a Map Layout πŸ—ΊοΈ

8.5 x 11 Map Templates in Landscape and Portrait styles are available to choose from for making your map for exporting to PDF. After you are finished with your edits for the Road Closures and Points of Interest in the Map Closures Map you will want to create your Layout.

  • Choose a Layout

    • Click on the Landscape or Portrait Tab, depending on the orientation of the Event location

    • All layer visibility, symbology, labeling, etc. from the Map Closures Map is connected to the two Layouts

  • Set the Map Extent

    • Click on the Layout Tab at the top, then Activate (the Map Tab will be activated)

    • Zoom in/out and Pan to the desired area and extent

    • Click on the Layout Tab at the top again, then Close Activation

  • Configure the Layout

    • Configure the Map Elements by double-clicking on each Element or on it in the Contents Menu

    • 2 different types of Callout Boxes are already available next to the layout. Copy and paste to create more Callout Boxes for the map

      • Double-click a Callout Box to access the properties to update text, change outline color, etc.

  • Add a Legend

    • Click the Insert Tab at the top, then Legend

    • Draw a rectangle in the open area below the map

    • The Legend Element will be created in the Contents menu, expand the Legend

    • Highlight all layers that you do not want to in the Legend, right click and remove. Normally only the Event data (Road Closures and POI) would be included in the Legend due to space issues

    • To modify each layers configuration in the Legend, double click on the layer under the Legend

  • Export the Layout to PDF

    • Click the Share Tab at the top, then Layout --->

    • The Export Layout window will open

      • File Type: PDF

      • Name: navigate to the current year folder under the Event and give it a name

      • Under PDF Settings

        • Uncheck Export georeference information

        • Layers and attributes: None

      • Export

Last updated