Incident Tracking

ATD ROW Staff work in the field and as dispatchers in the Special Events Command Center during the festival. Dispatch workers will add all incidents that take place during the Spring Festival Season.

Web Map 🌎

  • The ATD Dispatch Call Map is the basis for the ATD Dispatch Calls Web Application that is used by the ROW Staff working dispatch at the Special Events Command Center. The following layers need to be added and configured.

    • ATD Incident Tracking (Editable)

    • ATD Incident Tracking - STATUS

    • ATD Incidents - Last 24 Hours

    • PACE Incidents - STATUS (from Code Dept.)

    • PACE Incidents - Last 24 Hours (from Code Dept.)

    • Street Closures

    • Ramp Closures

    • Bars / Restaurants

    • Special Event Temporary Permits

    • Incident Tracking data is Time Enabled

  • Use the previous years Incident Tracking Web Map as a template.

Web Application đŸ–Ĩī¸

  • The Web Application is used by the ROW Staff working dispatch at the Special Events Command Center. The Incident Tracking Web Map is the Basemap for the App. The following Widgets need to be included in the Application:

    • Legend

    • Layer List

    • Draw

    • Edit

    • Basemap Gallery

  • Use the previous years ATD Dispatch Calls Web Application as a template.

Dashboard ℹī¸

  • The ATD Operations Dashboard should include the following:

    • Side Panel

      • Date Query

      • Created by

    • Details

      • Incidents - ALL TYPES

    • Indicators

      • Incidents - Today's Total

      • Incidents - Today's Resolved

      • Incidents - Total

      • Citations - Total

      • Total Number of Vehicles Towed

      • Total Number of Scooters Impounded

    • Map that includes Incidents broken down by the following:

      • ALL TYPES (on by default)

      • ALL STATUS'

      • ACTIVE

      • PENDING

      • FOLLOW-UP

      • RESOLVED

      • by ACTIONS

      • Create an ATD Dashboard Web Map to insert into the Map Section

    • Serial Chart of Incidents by ALL TYPES broken down by Action

      • Null

      • Inspection

      • Verbal Warning

      • Citation

      • Shut Down

      • Towed Vehicle

      • None - Observation

  • Use the previous years ATD Operations Dashboard as a template.

Last updated