1. CTN Street Segment Update
This page provides documentation for how to update the CTN to include changes that have been made to enterprise street segment data.
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This page provides documentation for how to update the CTN to include changes that have been made to enterprise street segment data.
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1. Preparing Data for Processing
Location of Street Segment Update Working Map Open StreetSegmentUpdate_WorkingMap project file: G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\CTN\CTN_StreetSegmentUpdates\StreetSegmentUpdate_WorkingMap
Location of Street Segment Changes for Relevant Date Range
Take extract of SDE_ADDRESS.street_segment_changes from GISMAINTTEST (subject to change, location may change to maint1 in the future) for relevant date range (Date field still Text, can be filtered or sorted and then selected for export *Optional - Add actual date field to extract for accurate sorting (shown below)
Extract Relevant Street Segment Changes to Working DB Export street segment changes extract to working geodatabase G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\CTN\CTN_StreetSegmentUpdates\StreetSegmentUpdate_WorkingMap\StreetSegmentUpdates.gdb. Title layer StreetSegmentChange_Extract
Run tool to create layer of ADDED segments that do not join to CTN Run 1. Create Non Joined Added Segments V2 tool in StreetSegmentUpdate_CTN2.tbx. With ATD_Admin.CTN and StreetSegmentChange_Extract added to the map, this tool can be ran without setting additional parameters.
After this tool runs a new feature class called NonJoined_Added will be created in the ForAudtoUpdate Dataset
Inspect NonJoined_Added vs CTN to fix issues and select feature for append Manually inspect NonJoined_Added data vs CTN for segments that may already be added or for segments that may require splitting, geometry updates, or SegmentID updates to account for new segment that will be appended.
Create selection layer of segments to be appended Once features that will be appended have been selected, create a Selection Layer like shown below
Append features from Selection Layer to CTN Once Section Layer has been created, you can now append those features to the CTN by using the 2. Add Segment Append V2 tool with parameter matching below:
Once tool is finished running, verify that segments have been appended and check to make sure that no preexisting segments need to split or adjusted for proper connectivity.
Run tool to separate street segment change features with attribute changes that join/do not join to CTN
Run 3. Attribute Changes Join non-Join V2 tool in StreetSegmentUpdate_CTN2.tbx. Match parameters like shown below: (Tool takes about 45 seconds to run)
After running the tools three new feature classes should be created: AttributeChangeSegments - held as a reference in Default DB will not be used for processing AttributeChangesJoined - Features with attribute changes that join to CTN based on SegmentID AttributeChanges_NonJoin - Features with attribute changes that do not join to CTN (Primarily Added Segments that will be appended in later steps)
Run tool to separate street segment change features with geometry changes
Run 4. Geometry Changes Categroization V2 tool in StreetSegmentUpdate_CTN2.tbx. Match parameters like shown below:
Running this tool will create three additional feature classes: GeometryChanges_ADDED - Features identified as newly added since last update GeometryChanges_DELETED - Features identified as deleted since last update GeometryChanges_UPDATED - Features identified to have changes in geometry since last updated *A layer will not be created if it contains no values
Run tool to push attribute changes to CTN
Prior to running 5. Attribute Updates To CTN V2 you can delete all ADDED segments from AttributeChanges_Joined Layer (These were all captured in the Added Segments Append step). Then review remaining features in the AttributeChanges_Joined layer and remove duplicates (SEGMENT_ID), using the CHANGE_DETECTION_DATE field to verify the most recently changed attributes for each field are combined in one row.
Once AttributeChangesJoined Layer is cleaned, run 5. Attribute Updates To CTN V2 tool in StreetSegmentUpdate_CTN2.tbx. Match parameters like shown below:
This tool will push all attribute changes (except addresses) that have been captured in the AttributeChanges_Joined feature class to the CTN
Run tool to push proper Max/Min addresses Run 6. Address Update Max Min V2 tool in StreetSegmentUpdate_CTN2.tbx. This tool can be ran with no input parameters since the layers input layers are already assigned.
This tool will field calculate the proper Minimum and Maximum address values from AttributeChanges_Joined into their corresponding CTN field.
Preparing data for quicker manual update Make sure both CTN and GeometryChanges_UPDATED layers are added to the map. Helps to have CTN symbolized thin and overlaid over a thicker symbolized GeometryChanges_UPDATED layer.
Review areas were Geometry updates have been made While visually comparing this two layers note that not all geometry changes will be captured.
CTN may be already be more geographically correct that Street Segment Change data - Do NOT capture these changes
CTN may already have the correct geometry - No change present to capture. You may want to verify that there any splits or other changes that have occurred that may not be visually obvious.
Street Segment Change data is more geographically accurate - Capture these changes by editing the CTN vertices to match Street Segment Changes