Data Structure

Directory and Data Structure required for the Data Driven PHB Ranking Process.

There are 4 FGDBs to manage for the Data Driven PHB Ranking process: PHB Pro Project, Data Collection, PHB Data, and scratch. Script Tools are used to process some of the data and complete the analysis tasks, therefore the FGDB and feature class locations and naming conventions are important to follow.

Note: directory locations, FGDB, layer, and table names include _ where spaces are in actual naming conventions below.

Directory Structure 📂

  • G:\ATD\ATD GIS\Arterial Management\56 Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon PHB\ Data Driven PHB Ranking folder structure

    • AMD - copy completed PHB Data FGDB to this folder for AMD use, rename old version

    • DTS\Data - location of working FGDBs: Data Collection, PHB Data, scratch

    • DTS\Maps\PHB Pro Project - location of PHB Pro Project FGDB

      • PHB Pro Project Toolbox - location of Script Tools

    • DTS\Maps\Vision Zero Database Project - location to connect to the Vision Zero Database and prep the Pedestrian Crashes layer

    • DTS\Data Other Source - location to save copies of external data (ex: Census table downloads)

    • DTS\Scripts - location to save working versions of Python scripts and copies of Final Python Scripts that are used in the Script Tools (final scripts are located in GitHub\atd-geospatial\ code\python\Data Driven PHB Ranking)

PHB Pro Project FGDB 🌎

FGDB that contains layers that are updated for each year. After the layers are updated, they are copied to the Data Collection FGDB for processing.

  • PHB Pro Project FGDB

    • ASMP Street Public Trans HIN

    • Austin Major Employers Mapping 500

      • Plus any other layers/tables that may be needed for processing

    • Large Retail Locations Final

    • Social Service Locations Final

Data Collection FGDB 🌎

FGDB for data processing before starting the analysis. Feature classes with a will be copied to PHB Data FGDB, therefore require this naming convention.

  • Data Collection FGDB

    • AE Streetlights

    • ASMP Street Public Trans HIN

    • Austin Major Employers Mapping 500

    • Block Group Census COA

    • Block Group HH Income

    • Block Group HH Income COA Dissolve

    • Block Group Population

    • Block Group Population COA

    • Block Group Population COA Dissolve

    • Large Retail Locations Final

    • Pedestrian Crashes SP

    • Schools

    • Signal Requests All

    • Signal Requests PHB

    • Signals

    • Signals All

    • Social Service Locations Final

Scratch FGDB 🌎

The Scratch FGDB holds the data that is created from the 2 Script Tools listed below. Each time the Tools are ran, the data is overwritten with the latest data. Feature classes with a will be copied to the PHB Data FGDB

  • Scratch.gdb

    • Created by Churches Multifamily Parks Script Tool

      • Churches

      • Churches Dissolve

      • Landuse Meeting Assembly

      • Landuse Multifamily

      • Multifamily Dissolve

      • Parks Dissolve

    • Created by Streets for PHBs ASMP Script Tool

      • Street Clip COA

      • Street Select ASMP

      • Street Select PHB


All feature classes above will be copied to the PHB Data FGDB by the Data to PHB Data Script Tool. The tables listed below are added by the Demand Risk Safety for PHBs ASMP Script Tool in the analysis section. Final Output Streets Layer 🧰 with all coded rankings that is created by the PHB Criteria Ranking ASMP Script Tool.

  • PHB Data FGDB

    • Street Near Church

    • Street Near Church Freq

    • Street Near Large Office

    • Street Near Large Office Freq

    • Street Near Multifamily

    • Street Near Park

    • Street Near Park Freq

    • Street Near Ped Crash 200

    • Street Near Ped Crash 200 Freq

    • Street Near Ped Crash 400

    • Street Near Ped Crash 400 Freq

    • Street Near School

    • Street Near School Freq

    • Street Near Signal

    • Street Near Signal Req PHB

    • Street Near Social Service

    • Street Near Social Service Freq

    • Street Near Streetlight

    • Street Select PHB Final 🧰

Last updated