GIS Data required to support Office of Special Events during SXSW and Spring Festival Season.
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GIS Data required to support Office of Special Events during SXSW and Spring Festival Season.
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Each year a new SXSW_yyyy folder is created under the following directory: G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\Office_of_Special_Events\SXSW. Within this folder, create a new ArcGIS Pro Project, use the default FGDB to save all data that is required for that year. If you access data from a prior year, export it into the latest FGDB so all current year data is located together.
Use first Project .aprx and Save As to create all other .aprx's for the event and save all in the same directory, keeping the same default FGDB for all .aprx's.
See previous year for example of directory structure for maps and exports: G:\ATD\ATD_GIS\Office_of_Special_Events\SXSW\SXSW_2022
The Bars and Restaurants point layer is created using the Mixed Beverage Gross Receipts from the State of Texas Comptroller's website:
Once you get to the Transparency page, click on Mixed Beverage Gross Receipts. You will be redirected to the TX Open Data Portal.
Click on View Data at the top, then choose Filter. Add the following filters
Location Zip is 78701, 78702, 78703, 78704
Obligation End Date is after 11/01/yyyy (last year)
this should provide the latest end date for all, but depending on when this is ran, some will have newer end dates as well
verify the table for the newest most common end date, if it is in December, change the filter to 12/01/yyyy.
Export the filtered data to a CSV and open
Save As to an Excel Workbook
Sort by Location Name, then Obligation End Date
The table should have one record for most locations, but some may have a newer record. Only keep the newest record if there are two for one location
You will notice that some records will have $0 for total receipts. Some places may have gone out of business, may be remodeling, are new restaurants that haven't recorded sales yet, and others may not sell alcohol.
In order to get a decent geocode, the location address field needs to have the suite removed as it will not match. Create a new field for Suite, and move data over in case it is needed for people in the field.
Geocode the table
Before going through the results, delete points in areas listed below as they are not needed:
West of Lamar Blvd between Cesar Chavez St and 15th St
East of Chicon St
North of 11th St east of IH 35
South of Barton Springs Rd
Use the geocoding tools to research the addresses remaining, including matched addresses as they do not always match to the proper address
After the layer is complete, publish a feature layer to AGOL called SXSWyy_Bars_Restaurants.
Share with the following AGOL Groups:
ACD Special Events Group (Austin Code Dept.)
AFD Prevention (Austin Fire Dept.)
APD Special Events (Austin Police Dept.)
Austin EMS - name based on year, i.e. SXSW2020
The Street Closures layer & map is created using the CAD drawing that SXSW creates to show all Event, Road, Venue, and Safety Closures for the Spring Festival Season.
Create the Street Closures layer using the CAD drawing created by SXSW.
save it in SXSW_yyyy.gdb as Street_Closures_All
Create a new static map, export to PDF, send to OSE for review
Publish feature layer on AGOL - SXSWyy_Street_Closures after Street Closure map has been approved by OSE Staff.
Share with the following AGOL Groups:
ACD Special Events Group (Austin Code Dept.)
AFD Prevention (Austin Fire Dept.)
APD Special Events (Austin Police Dept.)
EMS Special Events (Emergency Management Services)
You will need to publish a separate more general feature layer that only specifies full and partial closures that will be used in public facing maps (Share to Everyone)
If more detailed closure data is required, create a subset of the original street closure data. (Ex: the Rainey Street Traffic Control Plan may need to be more detailed for opposite street directions)
Highway Ramp Closures also take place and are useful for the public facing interactive map.
The Temporary Permits point layer is created from an AMANDA query for temporary Special Events (SE folder) and Right-of-Way (RW folder) permits.
In 2020 the process changed since all Special Events were moved to AMANDA. Work with the AMANDA support person in DTS to get the SE Events Permits, RW Permits, and Attachments exported from AMANDA. There is a Python script that will link the attachments to the permits in the AGOL feature layer after its created. Work with the Dev Team to get this process ran.
Request that the AMANDA queries are run to export the permits and attachments.
Create the Temporary Permits layer (request that lat/long is included in table for creating the point layer to make things simpler).
After the layer is complete, publish a feature layer to AGOL called SXSWyy_TempPermits.
Work with the Dev Team to get the attachments linked to the feature layer.
Manually link attachments that did not automatically connect to the records in the feature layer.
Share with the following AGOL Groups:
ACD Special Events Group (Austin Code Dept.)
AFD Prevention (Austin Fire Dept.)
APD Special Events (Austin Police Dept.)
EMS Special Events (Emergency Management Services)
The CAD file for the Traffic Control Plan will not be available until a few days before festival season begins.
Get the Traffic Control Plan drawing file from OSE's CAD designer.
Convert from CAD to a GIS FGDB Dataset. You will only need the point layer to create the Traffic Control Device layer.
Create a new field on the point layer called Group_Name, you will use the Layer and RefName fields to code Group_Name. The following lists how to code the Group_Name field:
Use the Group_Name field to symbolize the layer
Publish feature layer on AGOL called SXSWyy_TCP_Devices.
Share with the following AGOL Groups:
ACD Special Events Group (Austin Code Dept.)
AFD Prevention (Austin Fire Dept.)
APD Special Events (Austin Police Dept.)
Austin EMS - name based on year, i.e. SXSW2020
Reach out to ATD Staff to see if there is any feedback regarding the Incident Tracking feature layer; additions, deletions, modifications, etc. before creating the feature layer for the current year.
Create new Incident Tracking layer based on the previous years schema, make any changes to the schema or domains that have been requested by staff.
This feature layer is for ATD purposes, only share with COA_Austin_Center_for_Events_Internal Group.
In 2020, ATD met with SXSW to get direct access to their Events data. We received a direct connection to their API, and created a script that collects the data and populates it into an AGOL feature layer.
We didn't get it completely up and running since the event was cancelled, but have the process in place for the future.
Work with SXSW again to set this up in the future.
There is a MetroBike feature layer in AGOL that is created directly from Data Tracker, but if you need to create it yourself you can export the table from Data Tracker to create a new layer.
If you create a new feature layer, share it to Everyone for use in public facing maps.
A Downtown Public Restrooms feature layer was first published for SXSW 2020, but now resides under the Event Reference Data folder in AGOL.
Check if any new public restrooms have been completed that need to be added to the data.
Feature layer is used in public facing maps.
Use External CMTA Metrorail (authoritative) feature layer for the rail line
Use External CMTA Stops (authoritative) feature layer and filter for the downtown station
OSE will create a map showing where the Micro-Mobility Loading Zones are located
Create a new layer in the SXSW_yyyy.gdb and map the zones
This layer shows where the micro-mobility companies will load/unload devices
Publish feature layer to AGOL for use in online maps (layer was not used in 2020 maps)
OSE will create a map showing where the Passenger Pickup/Drop-off Zones are located.
Create a new layer in the SXSW_yyyy.gdb and map the zones
Publish feature layer to AGOL for use in online maps
A Pedestrian / Bike Crossing feature layer was first published for SXSW 2020.
This layer highlights the suggested crossings under Interstate 35 between downtown and east Austin.
Update the feature layer if necessary, as it is used in online maps
Export previous years Pedicab Routes and Staging Areas to current year's FGDB. Modify data as requested by OSE
Publish feature layer to AGOL for use in online maps (share with Everyone)
There is an authoritative Shared Mobility Operations - Parking Boxes and Corrals feature layer in AGOL. Filter to only show the completed points.