Alan De Anda's G Drive
Listing and description of all data used by Alan on G Drive
Table of Contents
Common Sub-folders in ATD_GIS
Most requests from the Active Transportation & Street Design Division live here. However, there are some exceptions, like the design files for the print bike map. These files and others are housed in ATSD's G Drive under
. More on this later.Bike_Maps
This folder contains mxds and data used to generate the first versions of the online bike map, which published a queried export of the CTN symbolized by level of comfort.
This folder contains the ArcPro project for making a vector tile layer of the CTN with scaled symbology that matches the symbology of the printed bike map. This will allow for easier exports of GIS data to Illustrator to create the Print Bike Map. The print bike map has another wiki.
This folder will either need to move to
or ATSD staff will need write permission to this folder to allow for collaboration on the printed and online versions of the bike map.
This mxd was used to published the data for the Bike Racks Web Map. It is unlikely that this mxd will need revisiting, but this folder should host any bike parking related projects.
This folder contains maps and data related to ATSD projects that the public will receive an update on through virtual open houses, web map applications like Crowdsource Reporter and Polling, and Story Maps. ATSD sends us an mxd with CAD data of the project, which we transform to GIS and publish. After review, it's possible that the CAD data in the mxd will be updated by ATSD. Once the data is published, the web maps are created in collaboration with ATSD and PIO staff as necessary. More on this in a separate wiki.
The name of the folders mimic the name of the projects in
In December 2019, ATSD and DTS held an OSM Mapathon to update bike data on Open Street Maps to update the Bicycle Network Analysis score.
The people that participated in the mapathon have continued to map new facilities on their own.
ATSD may want to coordinate a new mapathon. It may only be necessary to send the team the data, though. The data in these folders can be used as a template for future exports. Rémy Greinhofer is a good contact to get in touch with the group.
This is where the Strava data lives. More info on Strava Data can be found here.
Safe Routes to School data lives here.
Bike Facilities for Google Maps
This data was submitted to Google Maps in the summer of 2020 to include new bike facilities. The wiki for setting up a Google Partner account and schema for data can be found here. Since Google Maps integrated this data onto the map, it's recommended that future updates use this schema/data format. The data will come from the CTN's Bike Facilities, which are updated through a different process.
Healthy Streets
All data that is live on the AGOL apps was designed in Healthy_Streets.gdb
The data includes features, related tables, and their relationship classes. Once the data was published, it has not been overwritten to not delete the public record.
If any data from the apps needs to be updated, like the Candidates for Batch 3, and the COA_HEALTHY_STREETS data once candidates for batch 3 are installed, this should be opened in ArcPro.
HealthyStreets_Point_Line_Tables Feature Service
This Feature Service contains the suggest a street/destination input feature services, and the COA_HEALTHY_STREETS. COA_HEALTHY_STREETS is the official feature for Healthy Streets that are active in the field. New candidates, if any should be added HealthyStreets_Point_Line_Tables in ArcPro and editing the COA Healthy Streets layer.
The data is shared with 3 groups:
ATD_Healthy_Streets: This includes the public-facing Crowdsource Reporter App “Healthy Streets Public Input Web App. This app is fed by the “Identify a Healthy Street” and “Identify an Important Destination” webmaps. These maps don’t get a lot of traffic these days.
ATD_Healthy_Streets_mgmt: this group holds several Crowdsource Polling apps, like “Review Top Candidates for Healthy Streets”, “Review Temporary Protected Bike Lanes on Congress”, and “Review Existing Healthy Streets App”. If any changes are needed to the data feeding these apps, the best way to edit them is to open the layers in Pro to not lose the public record.
ATD_Healthy_Streets Collab: This is a collaboration group, and users are able to fully edit the data in it. The “Healthy Streets TCP map” and much of its data live in this group. It’s possible to get requests to add data to this map. You may also get questions about exporting TCP data.
This folder contains B-Cycle and dockless/micromobility data and maps. The maps were generated at David Orr's requests to aide ATD and CapMetro determine B-Cycle locations in proximity to transit stops.
B-Cycle has been renamed MetroBike after ownership transferred to CapMetro.
Every year we digitize new projects that will receive CIP funding, and the maps and data live here. A wiki dedicated to the CIP digitizing project lives here.
The Comprehensive Transportation Network (CTN) is a base geometry for streets, trails and transit rail lines. The CTN is currently updated to reflect newly installed bike facilities and to record any changes to the the city's biking level of comfort. The CTN was used as the base geometry for the Austin Stragetic Mobility Plan (ASMP), which was developed by the Systems Development Division. The wiki for the CTN can be found here.
Cole Kitten's legacy CTN documentation lives in
and inG:\ATD\Planning\DATMS\Transportation_Network
Most data found here is for old workflows for digitizing signs and markings.
Vector Tiles
Vector Tiles used in the Vision Zero Viewer are saved here.
Folders in ATD
A lot of the work done for divisions within ATD are saved to their own folder in ATD. Typically, staff only has write permission to their own folder, and DTS staff can request write access to these folders from Scott Reedy.
Bicycle/Bike Map/Bike Map Design Files
The print version of the bike map is saved in these folders. The process for developing the print bike map has a separate wiki page.
Base Maps
ATSD uses these basemaps to display their various projects in different ways - by facility, by project status, etc. The resulting mxds are somewhat clunky, and they are being phased out in favor of MOPED. MOPED's documentation can be found here.
Bike Map
This folder contains a shapefile that shows the correct extents that GIS exports to Illustrator should be in.
Every ATSD project lives here in its own separate folder.
Legacy folder from when DTS was known as DATMS
Transportation Network
Legacy folder for the CTN.
Last updated
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