Bike Parking Dashboard/Data Pull

This page helps provide guidance on how to use the Bike Parking Dashboard and pull data from the associated web app. Both of these features are available as part of the Bike Parking Hub.

Using Bike Parking Dashboard

  • On initial load of the Bike Parking Hub you will view the Bike Parking Dashboard. This provides a location to run quick filters on the data to get a better idea of work being done in the field.

  • Using Filters

    • On the right-hand side of the dashboard you will see a column for Filter. These filters can be used to learn more about the data ie (# of installs in the past month).

    • Because bike rack data is stored in a separate table from maintenance records, some filters will only update bike rack information while other will only update maintenance records. The image below is color coded to show which filter updates each dashboard visual.

  • Other Features

    • The "Most Recent Maintenance Records" column will always display the 10 most recent maintenance records that have been submitted

    • The map component will allow you view features by location and see associated attributes through a pop up. This component is currently not linked to any filters.

Last updated