GIS Onboarding

Welcome to the Data & Technology Services Geospatial Team!


  • The Geographic Information Management Operating Board's (GIMOB) mission is to coordinate City-wide GIS activities by promoting cooperation between departments, to identify and address common problems and issues, and to provide spatial data foundation and framework.

  • The GIMOB meets on the 1st Thursday of every month at the Neighborhood Housing and Community Development Offices from 10:00am - 11:30am. This meeting is currently being held only via Teams.

  • Every department is represented by a GIS Single Point of Contact (SPOC) and Alternate GIS SPOC. A CTM representative is the designated GIS SPOC for many of the departments that have a smaller GIS presence.

  • The GIS SPOC List is maintained by the GIMOB Chair.

  • There are many Subcommittees that have been created by the GIMOB, each GIS SPOC / Alt. SPOC is welcome to join any of these Subcommittees.

  • Any new requests or changes must be voted on and passed by a quorum in order to move forward. The GIS SPOC is the voting representative for department, and the Alternate GIS SPOC votes in the SPOC's absence.

  • There is a GIMOB channel under the ATX GIS Team in Microsoft Teams. All documentation can be found under the Document Library.


  • ATDs GIS SPOC and Alternate GIS SPOC both reside under the Data & Technology Services Division, and represent ATDs interests as members of the GIMOB.

  • All City-wide GIS Documentation is maintained under the GIMOB SharePoint site. It can also be accessed through the Document Library in the GIMOB Channel under the ATX GIS Team on Teams.

  • Service-Now is used to submit requests to the Communications and Technology Management (CTM) department. The ATD_IT Group within Service-Now exists for any requests that need to be fulfilled by ATD. ATD IT Support, which includes GIS, are members of this group.

  • Requests to CTM that must be made by the GIS SPOC:

    • Training

      • All training requests for staff to attend any GIS Courses provided by the City

      • Start the description with - Please assign to CTM_GTM_TRAIN

    • GISDM

      • All requests to add, modify or remove data that resides on GISDM and GISDM External

      • This includes requests to make changes to Geodatapusher for Source and Target layers

      • Start the description with - Please assign to GIS_DATA_DEVELOPMENT

    • AGOL

      • Requests to modify AGOL user Roles

      • Requests to add data to AGOL from GISDM

      • Start AGOL requests with - Please assign to APP_DEV_SERVICES


      • Requests to update the Transportation Map Service in ROWPACT

      • Start requests with - Please assign to APP_DEV_SERVICES



    • The main production database that houses all internal City of Austin GIS data.

    • Individual logins are created for each user to access this database, but are simple usernames/passwords as the database is read-only.

    • There are 3 versions: Production, Dev, and Test. The GIS SPOCs should have accounts created for all versions. GIS users only need an account created on Production.

  • GISDM External

    • Part of GISDM, but houses all of the GIS data that is created outside of the organization.

    • This database connection is the same as GISDM, but the schema is changed to SDE External.


    • The maintenance database that is available for all departments.

    • Privileges are maintained on each dataset, feature class, and table individually, which makes maintaining data tedious.

    • The only people that have accounts on GISMAINT1 will need to edit data or have read-only rights to data that is not available on GISDM.

    • There are 3 versions: Production, Dev, and Test. The GIS SPOCs should have accounts created for all versions. GIS editors and viewers only need an account created on Production.


    • Application database that is used when running FME

    • ATD does not use this database very much

  • Environment

    • All databases reside on Oracle

    • If you need to access ATD data directly in the database you can use SQL Developer

  • GIS Software/Database Account Request Form

    • This form is accessible through the Service-Now Portal:

    • Only the department GIS SPOC and Alternate SPOC can fill this form out.

    • It is used to request a new account on any of the GIS databases mentioned above.

    • It is also used to request installations of GIS Desktop software for departments that do not have IT Support. ATD has our own IT Support, therefore it is not necessary to fill out the form for software installations.


  • Enterprise Login

    • Every employee that needs access to ArcGIS Online can create an Enterprise Account by following the directions under Activating your ArcGIS Online account

    • An account is created as a COA User by default.

    • CTM manages all AGOL Enterprise accounts, and sends out lists every 6 months regarding inactive accounts.

      • COA User is demoted to a COA Viewer if inactive for 6 months

      • COA Viewer is deleted if inactive for 1 year

  • ATD Administrator

    • This account is the Department Administrator account that the DTS Geospatial Team manages.

    • Warning: even though this is a Department Admin account, it is NOT limited to only ATD Content as all Administrator accounts have rights across the Organization.

    • ATD Groups are created using this account. Group names should start with COA_ATD_ then the name of the group.

    • ATD User Profiles and Group memberships are managed using this account

    • Login information is stored in the DTS 1Password account

  • ATD Publisher

    • Departmental Content is owned by the ATD Publisher account.

    • All publicly shared data managed by the department must be owned by ATD Publisher.

    • Store all Content under a Folder for easier management. If a folder doesn't exist for new data, create one.

    • Power Users can publish data to the Organization, but when they are ready to share it publicly, the ATD Publisher account must take ownership of that Content.

    • Login information is stored in the DTS 1Password account

  • Special Events Publisher

    • This Publisher account is specific to the Office of Special Events within ATD.

    • The Special Events Publisher account can also publish data publicly as it is a separate Department Publisher from the ATD Publisher account.

    • Login information is stored in the DTS 1Password account

  • User Profiles

    • User Profiles should all have Bios which include: | Name | Department | Phone | SPOC Email

    • Each department uses a specific graphic for the user photo to help to easily identify users. ATD's image is located here: \\\dfs\tpsd\ATD\ATDGIS\03RESOURCES\SealsLogos and is called ATD_Logo_Abbr.

  • Roles and Privileges

    • AGOL Roles and Privileges are managed by CTMs Geospatial Technology Management Group. If a user needs their Role changed, a GIS SPOC must submit a Service-Now request to CTM to request the change.


  • The ATD_GIS directory on the G Drive has many directories for specific divisions and projects.

  • 01_ADMIN - this directory has administrative directories based on various topics

  • 02_ENT_APPLICATIONS - this directory is meant for content related to enterprise applications

  • 03_RESOURCES - this directory has various types of resource information

  • If you can't find what you are looking for, please ask as this directory is in serious need of cleanup and organization (project for the future).

Data Inventory

  • All GIS Data and Web Mapping Applications are kept track of within the Data & Technology Services Data Inventory Application.

    • Datasets

      • All datasets maintained by ATD should be accounted for in the Data Inventory

      • This includes data that resides in GISMAINT1, GISDM, and AGOL

      • There are many GIS datasets that only exist in AGOL as they are created directly from Knack, ATDs asset management system.

    • Applications

      • ArcGIS Online Web Mapping Applications should be accounted for under Applications. If they are accounted for here, then the Datasets can track what Web Apps they are included within.


  • The City of Austin's GIS Emergency Response Team consists of GIS Duty Officers and Professional Responders.

  • Under normal operations, one Duty Officer and multiple Professional Responders are on-call on a weekly rotation.

  • As a member of the DTS Geospatial Team, it is required to be a signed up as a Professional Responder.

  • If you are interested in becoming a Duty Officer, they are always looking for volunteers.


  • All GIS professionals should be added to the ATX GIS Team in Microsoft Teams. This Team is comprised of many useful Channels for collaboration within the City of Austin's GIS Community, which includes General, AGOL, ArcGIS Pro, Esri UC, GIMOB, GIS Events, GISERT, and more.

  • If you are not already a member of this Team, please let someone on the team know so you can be added.

GIS Community

The City of Austin's GIS Community Knowledge Center is a place where GIS professionals throughout the city come to share knowledge with each other. As a member, you can post information, ask /answer questions, and browse through the website for any topic you may be interested in. If you are interested in helping to maintain this website and it's content, you can join the Knowledge Base Subcommittee to get involved.

Last updated