What can SharePoint do?

Organizations use Microsoft SharePoint to create websites. You can use it as a secure place to store, organize, share, and access information from any device

A lot of the time it's primary uses are:

  • Document repository for divisions & work groups

    • easy to gain access as documents are stored in the cloud v. network folder which requires firewall access

  • Communication platform/Shared Resources

    • teams like to keep information in a centralized place and keeps teams on the same page

    • SharePoint allows for limited access of files, folders, and site - allows sensitive information to be secure while permited collaborators can edit records

  • Using SharePoint Lists to track

    • SharePoint lists are powerful tools, they can be better than spreadsheets because the list is backed up and stored and can function like a database. Data entry can be done from a form and permissions can be locked down.

  • External Sharing

    • Work groups and programs work with regional partners, contractors and need a space to share collaborative documents. SharePoint also allows for external sharing with other folks from different entities. Submit a DTS Request to learn more.

Level of Effort rating

The level of effort for custom projects like this are: ⏳ to ⏳⏳

  • 1 to 2 hourglass(es): the configuration task for this is small to medium. A user can request assistance from the DTS team if they've never used SharePoint before. Once a user is familiar with the software they can create/manage pages/sites on their own.

See examples of MS SharePoint in use

Last updated