Service Address, Locations and Assets in Maximo

A service address is physical street address. This information is used to help crews find the general location of a work order.

  • service addresses are needed to locate work on a map

  • work orders can come in without locations

  • staff can assign work orders to an asset or location.

An asset is a physical piece of equipment or infrastructure that is owned or maintained by the City.

  • Examples include: amenities, bridges, curb and gutter, curb ramp, safety barriers, sidewalk segments, street surfaces. (The City also treats certain trees as assets.)

A location is a place where assets may be installed or where work may be performed.

  • Examples include: street segment, mobility trails, and right-of-way vegetation areas.


This is what SBO considers assets:

  • Street surface (pavement) assets, sidewalks, and curb and gutter assets are installed in street right-of-way locations.

  • Ex. park benches may be installed in street right-of-way locations or mobility trail locations.

  • SBO is tracking certain trees as assets, and these may be located in street right-of-way, along mobility trails, or in right-of-way vegetation areas.

Tracking Work Orders against Locations and Assets

  • If an asset has a location and it is connected to a work order, that asset's location history and cost can be used on the work order

  • ex.

    • Work Order (with No Location)

    • Work Order (Connect to an asset with a location)

      • Asset ABC > "Location 123"

    • Work Order (inherits the asset's location)

      • Asset ABC > "Location 123"

Work associated to multiple assets

When work is performed on one or more assets, it is important to track these assets on the work order so that SBO develops a complete history of maintenance activities and costs for those assets.

  • Work Order (inherits the asset's location)

    • Asset ABC > "Location 123"

    • Asset DEF > "Location 456"

    • Asset GHI > "Location 789"

This means you can research the history of work activities and costs associated with a single park bench, or you can look at the entire history of work and costs on the street right-of-way or mobility trail where the bench is installed.

Work associated to no assets

Work Order (with No assets)

In some cases, a work order will not involve a specific SBO asset.

  • Examples include: investigations of right-of-way obstructions, street sweeping, and office activities that are tracked on work orders (such as map corrections).

If a specific asset cannot be identified on a work order but the work did occur in the field, the location(s) of the work should be included on the work order.

  • For example:

    • A right-of-way obstruction work order should be use a location that is a street right-of-way location where the obstruction was discovered.

    • Street sweeping work orders should be associated with the multiple street right-of-way locations that were swept.

In these two examples:

The problem identified on the work order was with associated with a location, not an asset.

  • Asset example: asphalt or concrete

  • Location example: right-of-way obstruction work order, street right-of-way locations

Problem code activity

  • obstructions and litter occurring in the right-of-way

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