How to Add a Photo Attachment photo

Recorded step-by-step video, here - How to Add Attachment, Delete Attachment, Submit Assignment

  1. Navigate to the My Assignments tab

  2. Under the My Assignments table will be different statuses: In Progress, Final Review, Closed

  3. On the table, each record is a row

  4. Under the "Add Photo" column, click the (camera) icon

  5. Add Attachment form will open

  6. Select the "Attachment Type"

    1. Violation

    2. All Clear

    3. Other

  7. Click Choose File

    1. Photo Library - will have ability to choose photo from your photo library

    2. Take Photo - will turn on camera to use

    3. Browse - for recent photos/files

  8. Click Submit

  9. Assignment status will remain in In Progress

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