How to add Activities to SR record

  1. Navigate to the Service Requests tab

  2. Click the ID/SR # hyperlink

  3. Scroll down to Add Activity Form

  4. Use drop down to select Activity

  • Dispatch Investigator - will show Assigned To field, select the PEOs being assigned to this

    • may add more than one PEO, but that last PEO selected will be the one the receives the assignment

    • Adding this activity will also change the SR status from "New" to "In Progress"

  • Contact Citizen - Enter in any important notes or comments regarding contacting a citizen (optional)

  • Investigate Site - Enter in any important notes or comments regarding site investigation (optional)

  • Booted Vehicles - ATD: Enter in any important notes or comments (optional)

  • Removal of Boot - ATD: Enter in any important notes or comments (optional)

  • Citation(s) Issued - ATD: will show Number of Citations field, select drop down the number of citations issued

  • Warning(s) Issued - ATD: will show Number of Warnings field, select drop down the number of warnings issued

  • Towing - ATD: Enter in any important notes or comments (optional)

  • Vehicle(s) found - ATD: Enter in any important notes or comments (optional)

  • No vehicle(s) found - ATD: Enter in any important notes or comments (optional)

  • Attach Image - will show Attach Image field, select Choose File and select a file/image to associate to the SR

  • Send Email - will show Recipient Email Address field, type in email address that you would like to send an email to

    • Note: the recipient will receive and email from the system, their replies will not come back to the system (this only for outgoing messages only)

    • Template looks like this:

Re: PSR00-000040 Location: 3545 North Hills Drive Austin TX 78731 30.35115 -97.75678 Issue: There are multiple vehicle blocking ADA spaces Citizen Name, This email is to follow up on your request for multiple vehicle blocking ADA spaces. We wish to inform you that he issue has been resolved. Your request has been addressed and resolved as of 4/2/2021. Created By: Austin Transportation Parking Dispatcher Created Date: 04/02/2021

  • Close Issue (Duplicate) - this status will go back to the 311 system (when we integrate it)

  • Close Issue (Resolved) - this status will go back to the 311 system (when we integrate it)

  • 311 Feedback - this status will go back to the 311 system (when we integrate it)

  1. Click Submit

Last updated